Example sentences of "[noun] and give you [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And we 're very grateful , you 've brought rural interest , you 've brought much wider interest , and you 've brought a great deal of warmth and compassion and interest and time , what more could we say , but to show a token of our appreciation and give you a few flowers to go with that .
2 Suppose your neighbour 's tree grows into your garden , obscuring your light and giving you a harmful consumption externality .
3 and this is your alternative route and gives you an alternative way to go round to get passed it
4 But then , it 's a big difference between skiing abroad and you know , like staying somewhere like Cyprus skiing in Scotland , it 's true , but I mean , it 's like the first , I mean , my dad 's typical , sort of , get to the top of the hill and give you a good shove , you know , give you one time to go down a bit slowly and then after that you just get to the top ski downhill phhhh .
5 Now , before speaking to that person , whether your boss or partner , ask your mentor to inspire you and to tell you the right time , to choose the right place and to give you the right words and the correct approach — and to help the other party accept what you have to say .
6 The therapist who will listen to your problems and give you a good perm is bound to avoid the dole .
7 It enables you to use and rest areas in turn and give you a smaller area to keep clean — picking up droppings is essential all the year round .
8 Will I put you across my knee and give you a wee smack on the arse !
9 If your father is a millionaire and gives you a five pound note for your birthday , then you might feel a little hard done by ; such a gift would be given out of his riches ; it would n't be according to his riches .
10 He 'll take you safely out of the country and give you a hundred thousand pounds . ’
11 You really can not tell me too much — I would rather sift through a huge amount of detail and give you a definite answer than have to suggest all the possible alternatives and leave you to figure out which applies in your case .
12 Properly installed — and full instructions accompany the Sleep-safe Smoke Alarm — a smoke detector will warn you of smouldering in the earliest stages of a fire and give you the vital few minutes that really could make the difference between death and survival .
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