Example sentences of "[noun] and make for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Delaney should now quickly gather all surviving members of his force and make for the target , with no potentially dangerous searches .
2 There was a loud frightening scream from the direction of the children 's pool , and Shelley was on her feet and making for the source of the scream before Rosie had finished speaking .
3 Lizzie turned in somewhat of a huff and made for the door , saying , ‘ Things were different then .
4 My description of an amazing 18-light silver chandelier weighing over 2,500 ounces and made for the Duke of Abercorn in 1837 has , instead of a photograph of the Duke 's dining room at Baronscourt , where the chandelier had originally hung , one of the entrance hall .
5 She was lifted out of her perch above the engine and made for the customs shed where she asked for a mirror so that she could restore order to her wrecked coiffure before she went into Paris .
6 Then he grabbed both cases and made for the airline counter to buy a ticket .
7 The lift passed the ground-floor level and made for the vault .
8 Claudia gave him a scornful look and made for the bathroom , taking a change of clothes with her .
9 Off Whitstable , Glisseuse changed course and made for the Swale channel which leads between the Isle of Sheppey and the main Kent coast , a popular short cut into the Medway for small craft when the tide is right .
10 Carrie kissed her husband lightly on the cheek and made for the stairs .
11 He turned to the right and made for the north choir aisle .
12 But as those boxing her in came away from the rails at the entrance to the home stretch she found a good run up the inside , and when Teleprompter ran out of stamina with just over a furlong to go Pat Eddery shot the favourite into the lead and made for the wire .
13 For a few horrible moments I thought the motor would n't fire , but after several pulls it caught , then I just hooked my overnight bag over one shoulder , took the tiller and made for the shore , which looked so close that I felt I could have swum across . ’
14 Signalling the sighting to the Home Fleet in Scapa Flow , he turned his vessel and made for the shelter of a fog bank .
15 Wycliffe joined the trippers on the pier and made for the Flushing ferry .
16 At Mohnyin ten convalescent officers and twenty-eight men , the two faithful sergeants and myself got off the hospital train and made for the hospital of the BCMS where Dr Russell and the two nursing sisters took us all in and gave medical treatment to those needing it .
17 He hoisted the contraption in his arms and made for the battlezone .
18 Gazzer , moving cautiously , looking all about him , was creeping out of the left-hand tunnel and making for the entrance .
19 He put her into bed and drew the sheets over her and Maggie came back to the reality of the lamplit room with a bang as he strode away , collecting his tools of mercy and making for the door without looking at her .
20 I turned , grabbed my dressing gown and made for the door ; with one mighty ninja kick , the side of my right foot connected with all three switches of the fan heater at the same time and it hummed into life .
21 I was going to be late for Jack Mason and made for the door .
22 ‘ Boats away , ’ he cries , emptying his glass and making for the door .
23 Then she lifted her bag from the chair , turned the door handle with exaggerated care and made for the kitchen .
24 When darkness fell , the men drove off up the escarpment and made for the rendezvous , spreading themselves out as widely as possible .
25 Nothing terribly unusual about something slipping through a saleroom , yet five months earlier Sotheby 's had recently sold a similarly designed , if less beautiful , walnut writing desk by Pabst ( designed by the great Philadelphia architect Frank Furness and made for the Philadelphia philanthropist Henry C. Gibson ) .
26 ‘ Bon ! ’ as he pushed back his chair after a meal and made for the stairs and his own preoccupations .
27 I prepared to collect the rest of my medicines and make for the hospital , when the policeman said to me , ‘ Excuse me , sir .
28 He swung his umbrella over his shoulder and made for the exit .
29 On no account look out your passport and make for the airport because they 'll catch you in customs and the judge will be cross and tell you you 're a cold-blooded , ruthless and calculating murderess and give you twenty years .
30 She ducked under his arm and made for the door but he caught her arm .
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