Example sentences of "[noun] and take [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So , ’ he was saying to the Prince 's chauffeur as Owen arrived , ‘ you picked the two girls up from the salon and took them to the river at Beni Suef ? ’
2 He was sufficiently troubled by Malcolm 's bouncer to stand frozen at the crease and take it on the helmet , but sufficiently brave to try to hook the inevitable follow-up .
3 He let in the estate agent and took him over the house , into the drawing room and the dining room , upstairs to the Pincushion Room , the Centaur Room , the Room of Astonishment , the Deathbed Room , the Room Without a Name , and then back down the back stairs to that jumble of kitchens and scullery and washhouse and coal-store , most of it a nineteenth century addition .
4 Members of the Colchester Colne Round Table Club collected the party of eight-to-12-year-olds from the Greenstead estate by minibus and took them to the Wilson Marriage Centre in Barrack Street .
5 Wait until I 've shown you the fabulous coast of Jutland and taken you to the island of Fyn where I was born .
6 Alan wrapped one of his cot blankets round his shoulders and took him to the kitchen to make a drink .
7 This would involve a small bus ferrying disabled shoppers from their homes and taking them into the heart of the town before returning them direct to their front door .
8 She was a little overweight , her hands a touch too pudgy when she reached for various books and took them from the shelves .
9 I finished my list of demands and took it to the Branch Office , where I received something of a hero 's welcome .
10 In addition , we became experts in a new and complex world where everything from the intricacies of a changing semantic of underground language to the knowledge that tetrahydrocannabinol ( THE ) was the active ingredient of cannabis separated us from our previous associations and took us into a world where few in the organization could begin to operate with comfort .
11 His mother was buried not far off , and as a kind of atonement , on the day of his appointment he bought a bunch of asters and took them to the grave , laying them on the bare earth .
12 Yes , in Vienna , a lady , I will not say her name but assure you that any conversation I had with poor little Mrs Crump was most decidedly not on this subject and not about this lady — she has clearly clutched at a reference and taken it for a confidence — in Vienna , this lady of , I may admit it , royal connection , formed an attachment for me which was not reciprocated but proved most difficult to disengage .
13 This form of prayer , then , gathers up all our experiences and takes them to the King of Kings , and we think about them in his presence — all the hurts , all the joys , all that stops us becoming the kind of persons we feel called to be .
14 I remember Stromness dry for I was I used to drive a car then I used to pick up folk and take them to the Pomona and take them back again .
15 In the transplant operation , doctors in London will extract some of her bone marrow and take it to the Netherlands .
16 He received Mark in the central lobby and took him to the Members ' tea room for a chat over a pot of tea .
17 A group of Turkish workers in South London buy lamb and bread and take it on a coach to the striking miners in Wales ( 1984 ) .
18 Six members of staff restrained Sigsworth and took him into a secure room where he was injected with a drug and the police were called .
19 ‘ The case of the customer who simply removes goods from the shelves is of course different because the basis on which a supermarket is run is that customers certainly have the consent of the owner to take goods from the shelves and take them to the checkout point there to pay the proper price for them .
20 That meant that social workers would collect the child from the foster parents and take her to a venue where the grandparents would be able to visit , said Mr Nott .
21 I 'm not I do n't necessarily want to dispute them erm all I would say is that we have to look at the implications do n't just look at the change in the traffic flows and take them as a as a point , you have to look at the implications of those changes in traffic flows .
22 I took the collar off , removed the stones , put the rest in the sack and took it to the gibbet .
23 Well it was a large double-fronted house and it was sand-bagged all round and there were tables and to er , administer , you know , wardens in the unevent of air raids which they used to do and they used to patrol the streets looking for lights to see if pe my nan actually got fined once cos she , she event inadvertently went into a room and put the light on and forgot she 'd left the curtains open and an air raid warden happened to be around she , she got hauled into court and fined five pounds for that , er she er I , I once I was just thinking the other day just telling a friend of mine , they had an actual practice air raid once and in some old buildings in the Burchells and we as kids had to go and lie in there and wait till we 'd got a tag on and what would happen to us a label and they took us to the first aid post in , an ambulance came and picked us up on a stretcher and took us to the first aid post in Road .
24 Prune out the stem and take it into the shed where you can sit down comfortably to prepare the cuttings — they will have to be made very carefully , and you will need a very sharp knife .
25 He picks up the Business Section of the Times and takes it into the kitchen .
26 The 1973 Act extended beyond planning blight and takes us into the much broader area of the law relating to compensation .
27 If she does create a new four-bead group , she ‘ wins ’ these four beads and takes them off the board , leaving the hole empty .
28 Of course , how this policy might be arrived at is an issue in its own right and takes us into the field of school-focused inservice work and curriculum development .
29 He would only assume that she attached some importance to his opinion and take it as a compliment .
30 Conscious that it was operating in an extremely competitive market which faced the possible de-regulation of traditional milk marketing boards , this East-Kilbride-based family company opted in 1988 for a radical marketing strategy to change its fortunes and take it from a West of Scotland dairy company to a major force .
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