Example sentences of "[noun] and it [modal v] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly the presentation of the winding-up petition is a prima facie indication of a company 's insolvency and it would therefore be wholly inequitable for one creditor to be entitled to enforce his debt to the detriment of the other creditors .
2 All eyes turned towards Rayne , who smiled apologetically and said , yes , that he had asked Vokins to bid on his behalf as he himself would be conducting the auction and it would clearly be difficult for him to put in bids and be auctioneer at the same time .
3 The reason for this is that the system is so highly structured that there is no question of uncertainty and it would therefore be impossible to impair the efficiency of it .
4 The sample may be biased insofar as Livingstone and Wilkie used middle management as their study and it may well be that at this level individuals are reasonably well paid and hence money is not as important as other factors .
5 Even so , pouchitis is an enigmatic condition and it may well be of multifactorial origin .
6 It would be presumptuous to call what follows a collective biography and it would certainly be unwise to claim any great statistical value for such findings as there are .
7 I prefer it coated in very coarsely grated black pepper and it should always be sliced extremely thinly .
8 The eastern Saxons are almost certain to have remained at this time within the orbit of Oswiu and it may also be the case that Aethelwald , the brother of Aethelhere ( HE 111 , 22 ) ( see Appendix , Fig. 5 ) , received Oswiu 's support as the new king of the eastern Angles ; it is certainly not at all impossible that he ruled at first in a dependent relationship .
9 Yeah , but Stanton on the Wolds is too small , we 're trying to link them in with Keyworth and it might well be he could do Tollerton as well .
10 This means that the main body of the national collection still has no permanent home and it may well be that the Casina delle Civette will become a more specialised museum of Art Nouveau glass , the Villino Boncompagni will house the twentieth-century items and another site will be found for the remaining collections .
11 The expert clause is a clause in a contract and it will therefore be subject to the same rules of interpretation as a contract .
12 There was no justification for the ban in the first place and is the Secretary of State not concerned that the International Labour Organisation has expressed much concern over the continuing ban and it may well be that in view of the fact that the government is not willing to compromise in any way the I L O may well decide to formally rebuke and reprimand the government .
13 That is to say , the spin is either " up " or " down " with respect to that direction and it can never be a bit " sideways ' .
14 Sit behind the wheel of the Calibra and it could easily be mistaken for a Cavalier GSi .
15 This might put pressures on the sons and it could well be that not all would feel able or willing to take on the task .
16 Advantages of fructosamine are that it does not depend on the haemoglobin level and it will probably be considerably cheaper .
17 The baby can certainly suffer complications if deprived of mother 's milk and it might well be claimed that talk of its missing its mother is a special language-game pointing only to the source of the deprivation , but Singer is certainly not using the phrase with this in mind .
18 With an endowment , you can top it up to cover the extra borrowing and it will still be repaid 25 years after you bought your very first house .
19 Warriors still hunt the jaguar in ritualised fashion ; they must stalk it for three days and it may only be killed with a wooden spear .
20 He is , of course , holding a few cards : this is a movie with a woman in the lead and it will largely be in English .
21 One view , which is supported by the judgment of Lord Denning M.R. in the Court of Appeal in Lonrho is that ‘ it is sufficient if the [ unlawful means ] conspiracy is aimed or directed at the plaintiff and it can reasonably be foreseen that it may injure him , and does in fact injure him ’ and the Supreme Court of Canada has since stated the law in similar terms in a decision in which Lonrho was considered .
22 The housing committee says it no longer has any use for the site and it will now be open to private development .
23 If it is not it will be a waste of time and money to include the gift and it may even be detrimental to your relationship with individual members of the media .
24 However , the examples also have in common an institutional setting which provides a ready opportunity for mounting large-scale intervention and it may well be more cost-effective in these circumstances to provide a preventive programme for all experiencing the event .
25 Labour continues to neglect the cause of socialism to this day and it can justifiably be accused of undermining its natural supporters in the province .
26 Hallin rarely attends concerts and it can sometimes be days before the two parties make contact with each other .
27 Their behaviour conforms to fairly well-known principles and it should therefore be possible to estimate a perpetual inventory model which will show , for example , increased saving if the real value of their assets falls as deficiencies are made up .
28 A typical provenance project could involve analysis of a hundred to two hundred samples of pottery and it would clearly be impossible to make sense of all two thousand to four thousand quantitative elemental analyses without the use of modern multivariate statistical computer programs .
29 Secondly , he was a glaciologist and it may well be that he persuaded the pilot to swin' away to the east .
30 Sweetcorn , chickpeas or maples may well be the going bait and it could then be an advantage to fish a couple of very large jumbo tiger nuts of half a brazil nut over the top of the baited area .
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