Example sentences of "[noun] and [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile Stanley made short work of undoing the nuts , pulling off the old wheel and slipping on the new .
2 Moldovan President Mircea Snegur imposed a state of emergency and direct presidential rule on March 28 , and called on the population to prepare to fight for the " motherland " , following a month of skirmishes and fighting in the self-proclaimed Dnestr republic [ for formation in September 1990 see p. 37723 ] .
3 He sacrificed , he sacrificed the quick movement , the rapid changes of circumstance which a certain kind of reader demands , in order to match his description of thinking and feeling to the actual pace at which these things are experienced in real life .
4 If this advice is ignored , the torque of the seven-foot-diameter propeller , and the airflow it sends corkscrewing down the fuselage and acting on the large fin , causes the relatively light 207 to suddenly aim for the left-hand side of the runway .
5 If you use a pattern such as a basic 1x1 pattern ( that 's one hole punched , one hole blank , all across the card and alternating on the next row ) the resulting fabric has very short floats , not floats at all really ( swatch 6 ) .
6 ‘ Just a case of first-night nerves , ’ I mutter , unlocking my legs and grasping at the steaming mug.Ruthie Henshall opens tonight in Crazy For You at the Prince Edward Theatre , London .
7 She lay awake for a long time , looking at a pattern of moonlight on the stone floor of the bedroom and listening to the distant complaints of the chained dog she now knew to belong to Buck Kettering .
8 The stairwell echoed with the counterpointed sounds of pounding feet , of automatic doors heaving open and slamming shut , of trains arriving and departing , slowing down or gathering speed and hurtling along the narrow cavernous tunnels .
9 She was run over by a car travelling at excessive speed and overtaking on the wrong side .
10 I saw women dealing with having kids and working at the same time and the kids were happy because of the closeness with their mother .
11 There is a shortage of industrial sites in the South-east of England and rentals are now coming up after lagging behind offices and housing through the late 1980s .
12 Normally geometric data is entered directly into the system by calling up the appropriate entry command and responding with the necessary parameters and syntax .
13 This new circular building houses a panoramic restaurant , with cabaret and dancing on the top floor .
14 ‘ Yes Sir , ’ David calmly answered , rising from his seat and walking across the cold classroom .
15 We must , nevertheless , beware of looking at Spain through Andalusian spectacles and generalizing from the violent and precarious structure of the latifundia districts .
16 His jaw worked loosely , and perspiration stood out all over his forehead , rivulets running down the side of his neck and soaking into the white collar .
17 While they were drinking their tea and talking about the filthy tap water , there was a knock on the outside door .
18 The obvious one is by a chemical message leaving one cell and diffusing to the next — rather like speaking .
19 By 14.45 , 2.45 p.m. , they were by-passing Sandwich and speeding beneath the Roman Fort at Richborough .
20 While I have not pretended that pre-Chernobyl data are extensive , there is compelling evidence about soil and grass contamination in the Cumbrian uplands before and after Chernobyl , based on research and monitoring by the Atomic Energy Authority , the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology , and BNFL .
21 Turn 1.5cm ( ⅝in ) of blind fabric and lining to the wrong side along the top edge .
22 Zak raised his eyes vaguely in my direction but it would have been tactless to disrupt the thoughts behind them , so I pressed on forward , traversing the dayniter and the sleeping cars and arriving at the forward dome car .
23 I became an expert at putting my rollers on in the dark and listening to the Top Twenty under the sheets .
24 There are usually two pairs , arising on the prementum and converging on the labial wall of the salivarium near the opening of the salivary duct .
25 The second class consisted of the 40 most frequent words excluding function words and extending over the entire concordance line , to represent collocates of the node .
26 Having analysed the parts of a question take and rephrase the question , using your own words and concentrating on the key factor , phrase or word of the title .
27 No doubt there is too much red tape and lawyering in the nuclear business — as in so much of American life .
28 However , the branch in its sylvan setting and meandering through the scenic beauty of the Wolds was often called the ‘ Bluebell Line ’ .
29 With small token charges of explosives in our pockets we made for distant roads , railways and bridges , sinking up to our knees in bogs and wading through the icy waters of fast-running burns .
30 We call upon all Arabs each according to his potentials and capabilities within the teachings of Allah and according to the Moslem Holy War of Jihad to fight this , this U S presence of non-believers .
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