Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb base] him [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Twice , when Meredith ordered ‘ Two steps stage left ’ and Geoffrey moved to the right , Meredith came bounding down the centre aisle shouting ‘ Left , left , ducky ’ and leapt onto the apron to seize him by the shoulders and shove him into place .
2 Support Alan on Saturday and contact him with details those items you would like auctioned at the next opportunity in December .
3 His accusations backed up with the evidence found by Craig would be enough to convict Spencer and send him to prison for some time , once his whereabouts were discovered , for Spencer seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth .
4 It was decided that he should leave next day for London and that I should stop on and finish my baths and meet him in Paris .
5 When making a care order it can also make a contact order under s34. ( a ) Care orders A care order places a child in the care of a designated local authority which must then receive the child and keep him in care while the order remains in force ( s33(1) ) .
6 Under s95(4) a police constable can be authorised to take charge of the child and bring him to court and to enter and search any named premises if he has reasonable cause to believe that the child may be found there ( s95(4) ) .
7 Nevertheless I arranged to drive over to Strondonald the following Saturday afternoon and join him for tea .
8 Perhaps she could go down next time there was a one-day match and drive him to Taunton herself , interview some of the club 's officers , work something up .
9 But now Ellen the time I have long awaited has come and I write to tell you that an Italian maidservant by name of Gigia who is travelling home to Florence having been in Scotland with a family who are friends of the Brownings is to come to you to collect Oreste and take him to Liverpool where she will be joined by Mr Ogilvy and from whence they will sail for Italy .
10 She had been asked to pick him up at eight thirty a.m. outside his billet at a nearby farmhouse and drive him to Bovington Camp in Dorset .
11 ‘ To have banned him for a few months would have been one thing , but to take him to court and ban him for life seemed to defeat the object of the exercise . ’
12 Why ca n't they go the last mile and ban him from bowling against England batsman who clearly would find reading Sanskrit easier than spotting than ‘ Hollywood 's ’ wrong ‘ un .
13 so I might have a couple of days off and then I can be with Laddie and take him for walks and everything
14 With every letter she tried to top her last efforts and woo him with wit .
15 I shall say I feel differently towards him , that I want to be his friend and lameduck him in London .
16 Since daylight was flooding into the world , I was able to stay at a distance and keep him in sight .
17 In a real fight you should move in fast with a fearsome yell and overwhelm him with blows before he can hit you .
18 I have you pick up Mundi from the police station and deliver him to Heartbreak Hotel where he should have met with certain extinction .
19 this company moves at such a rapid rate of knots that I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Managing Director Building and Property Development at his house in Pitlochrie which is the only time he 's literally coming back to change his shirt before he goes wandering round the world again so the only way I can get him is to go up and stay with the in-laws over night and see him at breakfast time tomorrow .
20 She writes : ‘ We can not simply shift Jesus from center-stage and replace him with humanity or God by wishing it were so . ’
21 He had taken the trouble to seek out the young man in the morning and tease him into conversation — as he thought subtly , but Harrison was immediately aware that he was being sized up .
22 It 's highly unlikely , he argued , that people will unload their rubbish and leave him with games no-one wants .
23 But all the same , Mr Browning thought it wise that she should send to the Ogilvys a letter for Gigia to carry in which both she and Ferdinando formally requested the return of their young son and gave her power to remove him from the care of his aunt and conduct him to Italy .
24 They could appoint English-trained Malcolm as Earl and steer him from Wessex .
25 His horrible wont was to envelop his victim with his wings and suffocate him to death .
26 Even in the last of the great satires , The Loved One , about California burial customs , Waugh had to watch his step because he was relying so heavily on dollars to pay the school fees and keep him in booze .
27 An undated ducal warrant survives ordering William Fitzwilliam of Sprotborough to meet Gloucester at Doncaster with eight horses and accompany him to London .
28 An undated ducal warrant survives ordering William Fitzwilliam of Sprotborough to meet Gloucester at Doncaster with eight horses and accompany him to London .
29 In January 1869 he travelled to Dresden to attend the local premiere of Meistersinger , whose special place in his affections was unchanged , and on 17 May , now at Basle , he was finally able to accept Wagner 's invitation and visit him at Tribschen , his house near Lucerne in Switzerland .
30 He had not liked his ride from Newmarket in the horse-box but she had watched Bunny whisper and wheedle him into tranquillity .
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