Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [pron] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're desperately sick for Colin and now the least we can do is make the play-offs and win them for him , ’ said Whittingham .
2 In her resignation letter Gandhi claimed that she was unhappy at the " strange and unilateral decisions " taken by Singh and criticized him for his policies regarding Kashmir and Punjab and for his implementation of the Mandal Commission report [ see below ] .
3 ’ So I waltzed him across the road and put him in a doorway and left him for somebody else to find .
4 This is what allows you to adjust the colours and mix and match them for your new palette .
5 ‘ I looked for a marshall 's post , but the guy 's glove prevented him pulling out the safety pin in the extinguisher and I had to get out of the car and do it for him ! ’
6 Suddenly , one of his recordings sounds just like one of his stupendous live performances and shows him for what he really is : one of the all-time great conductors .
7 When the Tories briefly took control of the council , they implemented current Conservative philosophy — to sell council homes and encourage what for them represents the truest democracy , a property-owning democracy , which is less about one-man-one-vote than every man a home-owner .
8 ‘ One is always grateful for that kind of comic genius who takes your script and plays it for everything that 's in it , ’ as Shaffer told me .
9 He fishes for oysters and leaves them for her lunch .
10 The amount of compensation reflects the fact that he is out of work and compensates him for his losses .
11 presented him with a huge pepper mill and thanked him for his hard work .
12 He adds : ‘ I write this letter to you in desperate search for help — let God hear my prayers for help and choose you for his messenger . ’
13 Now I 'll get off my bottom and get it for you . ’
14 It was a good thing he had finally come to his senses and realized it for himself .
15 Has he ever tried to push a wheelchair and try it for himself ?
16 He rang her just before lunch and recommended us for their pets .
17 ‘ Linda , be a good girl and fetch one for me . ’
18 Fires are better prevented than put out and that 's the way the Profitboss views it , preferring to learn from the problem rather than go on a witch-hunt and blame someone for it .
19 Then , when you 're satisfied , sign both copies and keep one for yourself . ’
20 Texas Instruments , having recognised the wider implications of producing high performance processors , has attached great importance to its C compilers and produces them for their TMS320C25 and TMS320C3x .
21 Already I 've heard aghast whispers about the details of the Milwaukee cannibal : ‘ Do you know , ’ they hiss in your ear , ‘ he cut out one chap 's bicep , fried it on a griddle and ate it for his breakfast ? ’
22 Thank you for the bouquet of flowers sent to me on behalf of all our local branch AND Thank you for my other flowers later , ‘ when maybe I needed them even more ! ’
23 ‘ We wish , my brother and I , we wish you to take some of our money and to invest it for us in — in such places where you invest your own . ’
24 This session is the cause of much joshing in the Right Said Fred camp , him saying how he 'd make sure he had a hot shower first and primed himself for action if he did it again , his partners enjoying wiggling their little fingers at any opportunity and ribbing him for his perceived shortcomings .
25 It is therefore a bonus for the theory that clay replicators synthesized organic molecules and used them for their own purposes .
26 " I 'd like to write to the marquis and thank him for what he did for me .
27 These are acceptable , but the witch who , at ‘ by the pricking of my thumbs ’ , held up his thumbs and twiddled them for us all to check out was excessive .
28 These are the sort of things we 'd say to a good person in a formal situation , erm , you 're reliable , trustworthy , you know , we can rely on you to do a good job for us , doing your job well and with enthusiasm , when left in charge there 's been no problems , you 're responsible and flexible , you 're conscientious , I can trust you for , to do a good job and thank you for your contribution to the team .
29 the appropriate days and rewarded them for their votes with meals and refreshments at Magdalen .
30 On the basis of the principle of participation , for example , it is possible for man to justify controlling nature and using it for his own ends .
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