Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [prep] a [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Er the industry is responsible for half our fixed investment and accounts for a third of our manufacturing base .
2 Douglas Hurd , Foreign Secretary , said yesterday that an indecisive result would delay recovery , lead to uncertainty and result in a second election within a year .
3 If Bowe wins and opts for a first defence against veteran George Foreman , the WBC have confirmed they will strip him of the title and declare Lennox Lewis champion .
4 Their son , Paul , recently started back there after completing a Whitworth Scholarship at Salford University and emerging with a first class honours degree in electronic and electrical engineering .
5 If the two approaches are combined and intact embryos are stained with a reagent conjugated to one fluorochrome [ e.g. fluorescein isothiocyanate ( FITC ) ] , followed by disaggregation and staining with a second reagent conjugated to a different fluorochrome [ e.g. rhodamine ( TMRTC ) ] , the polar population ( prospective TE ) can be assigned to the external position , and the non-polar population ( prospective ICM ) can be assigned to the internal position ( 2,25 ) .
6 There was a small band away from the tables , and the singer had started as he had begun his meat and called for a second bottle .
7 Wood is the most important commodity in international trade after gas and petrol , though most of it is used in the country of origin and much of it very close to source , being the only source of fuel for warmth and cooking for a third of the developing world .
8 The agreement , signed in Beijing by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade ( CCPIT ) and the Korea Trade Promotion Corporation ( KOTRA ) , bilateral trade and serve as a first step towards the eventual establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries .
9 The plaintiff , a four year old child , entered the house through an unsecured door and fell from a second floor window .
10 Should he get back into Oxford and try for a First and a Rugby Blue ?
11 In 1940 Roosevelt broke with tradition and stood for a third term of office .
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