Example sentences of "[noun] was [vb pp] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Unlike in the private sector , borrowing for investment was treated in the same way as borrowing to finance current spending ( on labour or raw materials ) .
2 A new bus service from the Tower to Hoo Hill was started in the same year , sealing the eventual fate of the Layton tram route .
3 Methylase assay : The methylase activity at 30°C and 42°C was measured in the same buffer used for the endonuclease reactions .
4 The severity of oesophagitis in patients with Barrett 's oesophagus was classified in the same way as in other patients and depended on the endoscopic appearance of the oesophageal mucosa above the neosquamocolumnar junction .
5 This figure was painted in the same syrupy pastel shades as the rest of the crucifix , but when Zen tapped it the head resounded not with the dull thud of plaster but with a light metallic ring
6 Vechey was dressed in the same clothes as yesterday .
7 HLA-B51 , as well as HLA-B53 , is immunoprecipitated by the antibodies used , so data on peptide binding to this HLA type was obtained in the same experiments : only peptides sh1 , sh6 and cp6 , but not cp6.1 nor cp6.2 , bound to HLA-B51 .
8 And because my girl was hurt in the same crash … she 's going to be all right , but it 's a shock seeing her so pale in a hospital bed … . ’
9 But while in Rome ius honorarium was administered in the same courts as the ius civile , in England law and equity , until the judicature Act 1873 came into effect in 1875 , were administered in different courts .
10 A FEW years ago , unemployment and sickness insurance for a mortgage was regarded in the same light as private health insurance is now : fine if you could afford it , but not essential .
11 A masterweaver in Persia or Anatolia was held in the same esteem as we hold Rembrandt or Vermeer , and even today there are some textile artists whose reputation and status are equivalent to those of any contemporary artist in the West .
12 Therefore , the babies ' body mass curve was calculated in the same manner as for adults , from birth length and birth weight , and this measure was substituted for birth weight in the regression equation .
13 The capital shortage was exacerbated in the same year by a massive interest rate mis-match in the treasury book that eventually cost more than £300m .
14 The gastric pH was measured in the same six volunteers who had participated in the gastric emptying study .
15 The bombardment chewed the British defences as savagely ; the dawn advance was cloaked in the same white mist of invisibility ; within hours the storm troopers had overrun the new Front and the retreat was on again .
16 The other Phocaean settlement in Ligurian territory at Massalia was described in the same spirit .
17 The double bed , the wardrobe , dressing-table and tallboy were mahogany , the counterpane was of moiré silk and the eiderdown was covered in the same material ; the carpet was a red-ground Wilton .
18 The north face was Gothick , the south strictly Classical , and the interior was divided in the same way ; the whole effort was a considerable visual pun on the pretensions of many of his neighbours .
19 The same amount of physiological saline was injected in the same manner into the control rats .
20 The Promenade line was extended in the same year from Dean Street to Victoria ( South ) Pier , using a new type of conduit with a hinged top for easy inspection .
21 There was a similar letter from Glasgow ; this time the writing was marginally more educated , and the paper of slightly heavier stock , but the letter was couched in the same guarded terms : a half-yearly profit that was a substantial increase on the same period last year .
22 John Talbot was born in the same year as the Catholic Relief Act was passed and as a result was one of the first sons of Catholic gentlemen able to benefit from a solid Catholic education in Britain .
23 This monopoly was defended in the same way as that of the East India Company : the Royal Africa Company had to meet the expenses of building and manning forts on the West African coast as protection against other Europeans , and private traders could not have undertaken fixed costs of this sort .
24 It is ironic that the ( MSC 's ) Holland Report was published in the same year ( 1977 ) as the Shirley Williams ' Green Paper on education which followed on from ‘ The Great Debate ’ .
25 The Royal Commission report was published in the same year as Margaret Thatcher 's Conservative government came to power .
26 Parent 's social class and occupation was coded in the same way as the information on birth certificates .
27 Freedom of expression was treated in the same way : ‘ Any man may … say or write whatever he likes , subject to the risk of , it may be , severe punishment if he publishes any statement ( either by word of mouth , in writing or in print ) which he is not legally entitled to make ’ .
28 Assistant teacher Habib Ben Malek was sentenced in the same trial in 1977 to 20 years ' imprisonment .
29 The Government Social Survey was created in the same year as an adjunct to the Central Statistical Office , more recently combined into the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
30 The vehicle solution was prepared in the same manner .
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