Example sentences of "[noun] was [vb pp] at [det] time " in BNC.

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1 Here police monitoring of the large crowds was facilitated by ‘ sophisticated radio equipment supplied by the Army , hot lines to the White House and the Pentagon , and an 8 by 12-foot map of the city , complete with a zoom-lens television camera for closeups , that could show where every police officer and other security force was located at all times ’ ( Farber , 1988:159 ) .
2 Although other burials clustered around the enclosure , the internal area was respected , until the whole monument was dismantled at some time in the fourth century .
3 A great deal of work was done at that time in enlarging and landscaping the park , creating lakes and the kitchen gardens .
4 The flat area to the south was drained at some time in the eighteenth century and a canal was built across it .
5 The Market Hall was demolished at that time , exposing the flank wall of No. 114 , on which was sign-written the times of cars to Mitcham and Sutton .
6 A Special General Meeting called by the National Council was held at this time , a report of which is to be seen on page 13 .
7 November 1697 , will always be associated with Chiswick , although he was constantly referred to , in his day , as ‘ Mr. Hogarth of Leicester Fields ’ — the name by which Leicester Square was known at that time — as that was his business centre and where he worked before he married .
8 In fact , however , new disappointments followed on Hitler 's confident promises : the bombing , almost unimpeded by German defences , intensified ; the situation on the eastern Front worsened almost by the day ; and in the west an invasion was expected at any time .
9 Rostov 's authority was limited at all times by the secrecy requirements which surrounded every incomplete survey , and he had already concluded that his presence on the mission was actually of questionable value .
10 It is almost certain that Leonard 's interest in Zen Buddhism was sown at this time , and his ‘ anti-intellectualism ’ confirmed .
11 In 1985 , for example , of total federal revenue of 686 billion dinars , 110 billion dinars was derived from customs duties , 264 billion dinars from basic sales tax ( of which the federal government was entitled at that time to one-half ) , and 251 billion dinars from transfers from the republics and provinces .
12 The manager had explained to him when he was taken on that the insurance people insisted the wharf was guarded at all times before they would agree to give cover .
13 John of Marmoutier 's life of Geoffrey le Bel offers a glimpse of how strong bonds were created between the prince and his followers within the household , and how a high level of training was maintained at all times .
14 A further problem was identified at this time .
15 The other related campaign in which Mrs Whitehouse was involved at this time — and more centrally than in the OZ case — was the prosecution brought against the publisher of a book of advice for schoolchildren called The Little Red Schoolbook .
16 The contract was concluded at that time .
17 The machinery of the ancient Forest courts was found at this time to be cumbrous and ineffective .
18 Alfort was described at that time as four miles from Paris , and Sewell spent a whole day at the veterinary school .
19 Harvey was armed at all times , forever primed in case of unexpected noise or movement in the house .
20 The high esteem in which jet was held at this time is shown by its relation to amber and gold .
21 Don Neely said that Crowe was asked at this time whether he was available for the World Cup if somebody else were skipper : ‘ I wo n't tell you his reaction .
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