Example sentences of "[noun] was [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The accountants ' view tended towards an acceptance of them as an inevitable consequence of credit trading and their remedy was to increase the bad debt provisions .
2 We moved forward again some way and into the assault trenches — the Rifle Brigade was to form the second wave of the attack .
3 Radiotherapy was considered the best option for treatment but before this could be started , rapidly progressive dysponea developed .
4 ( It is interesting that in arguing that polygamy grows out of monogamy Engels was reversing the evolutionary sequence as most anthropologists of his time saw it . )
5 This was the time when the old style of gabled manor was feeling the first breath of classical ideas .
6 Mixu Paatelainen was shown the same consideration earlier in the season and the word from the maternity unit at Pittodrie is that Mrs Duncan Shearer is next in the gynaecological line .
7 Marco was looking the other way .
8 He returned to Los Angeles and then caught a plane to Europe where he had been invited to show the finished article at the Venice Film Festival at which The Last Movie was voted the best picture on exhibition .
9 The result was called the ultraviolet catastrophe " ultraviolet " because that means high frequencies , and " catastrophe " for a reason too obvious to need elaboration .
10 Already in 1922 , Wheatley was attacking the conventional view that internationalism held the key to ending unemployment :
11 The German soldier was holding the white flag above his head .
12 After flirting with Modernism in his earlier fiction , John Fowles was to deride the whole idea as late as 1982 , with Mantissa , which makes elaborate fun of the tradition of Joyce and argues that fiction may find it hard even to survive the grinding tedium of the nouveau roman .
13 Willingly she would have surrendered the gift of consciousness if only she might drift like these in a blind passion of being , exempt from question ; yet even as she yearned wistfully so , another voice inside her agitated mind was whispering the old caveat from the Rosarium : that all error arose from failure to begin with the proper substance , from a proud forgetfulness that the magisterium is Nature 's work and not the worker 's .
14 it is , it 's exactly ten years although I reckon like , well , the thing is , these like late bookers like Richard was saying the other day , the flight ones , you du n no where your going
15 Even while Richard was attending the crusading conference at Le Mans a rebellion broke out in Aquitaine .
16 The Forces Programme was renamed the Light Programme in 1945 , ‘ designed to appeal not so much to a certain class of listener — but to all listeners when they are in certain moods ’ ( BBC , 1946 , p. 53 ) .
17 He told staff yesterday that the university had more staff whose research was given the top grade five rating than all the other Scottish universities put together .
18 Scott was awarded the highest prize , with third on the Foreign Office list , Deane and Woodward were fourth , and Street was awarded one of the fifth prizes on the same list .
19 Councillors were jeered and heckled as they emerged and the mayor was given the Nazi salute as he drove off .
20 All Western diplomats had left Kabul in the weeks leading up to the Soviet troop withdrawal in February 1989 [ see p. 36448-50 ] , when the United States was predicting the imminent collapse of the Najibullah regime .
21 As BR looked towards the 1970s and into the 1980s , it was realised that if InterCity was to survive the growing threat posed by the airlines and the rapid extension of motorways , train speeds would have to be lifted beyond the prevailing norm of 80mph start-to-stop between main business centres .
22 The aim of this study was to measure the overall plasminogen activator activity and concentrations of individual fibrinolytic system mediators in ascites secondary to alcoholic liver disease or malignancy to gain a greater understanding about the aetiology of this condition .
23 Quakers breathed a sigh of relief when Fashanu 's right-foot blast took a wicked deflection and floated just past the post when Prudhoe was diving the other way , but he was laughing after 39 minutes when the Darlington defence presented him with the most embarrassing gift of the season .
24 In that country the original intention was to oppose the compulsory arbitration system which employers had regarded as a fundamental challenge to management rights , and subsequently to disseminate information and advice to association members ‘ in interpreting the maze of awards , classifications and legislation that the system was producing ’ ( Plowman , 1980 , p. 253 ) .
25 Mussolini took advantage of these largely theoretical impositions to say that the League 's intention was to destroy the Italian economy and , surprising as it may seem today , the people of Italy reinforced what proved to be his growing megalomania by demonstrating , when inspired to do so by the press , that they were ready to make any sacrifices that might be asked of them .
26 The intention was to relate the linguistic variation revealed to social patterns within the communities themselves , avoiding prior assumptions about social norms that might seem to be imposed from outside .
27 When fasting , for example , was first used by Gandhi as a form of satyāgraha in a dispute between textile mill-owners and labourers in Ahmedabad the intention was to rally the flagging spirit and resolve of the workers , but it had the added effect of forcing the mill owners into negotiation .
28 His later Lives do not inspire great confidence in their historical details about a young king seeking the hand of Offa 's daughter in marriage and falling a victim to the machinations of Queen Cynethryth , who alleged that Aethelberht 's real intention was to reconnoitre the Mercian kingdom with a view to invading it , and when the Chronicon ex Chronicis also claims that Aethelberht was put to death by Offa at the instigation of Queen Cynethryth it is not necessarily independent of the legend .
29 Our intention was to express the equivalent region of the homologous VZV IE protein 140k , encompassing its DNA binding domain , in order to study its DNA binding characteristics for comparison with those of the HSV-1 Vmw175 DNA binding domain .
30 Steven was doing the front lawn
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