Example sentences of "[noun] was [verb] on by the " in BNC.

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1 Such a practice was frowned on by the church , and instructions were given to the warden of the building that if any young woman allowed a man to stay overnight then she was to be reported to the Mother Superior .
2 I think it would be true to say that my two brothers and sister and I were products of the Anglican parochial system , at a time when almost all charitable work was carried on by the churches .
3 After Young 's death his work was carried on by the French Egyptologist Jean-Francois Champollion ( 1790–1832 ) .
4 A free coach was laid on by the Sun bringing fans from London .
5 The devotion of the people of Dijon to an obscure tomb in one of the cemetries outside the town was frowned on by the local bishop , Gregory of Langres , who regarded it as an act of pagan superstition .
6 Although the wool producers seem to have borne part of the tax costs , the substantial increase in cloth production during the war is most easily explicable if a large part of the wool tax was passed on by the exporters to the foreign buyers , while the English cloth manufacturers were able to undercut their Continental rivals ( 88 , pp.39–40 ) .
7 What is medically certain is that she died of coronary thrombosis : there is no question of any foul play , except of course if the heart attack was brought on by the shock of finding someone in her room stealing the jewel she had come all the way from America to hand over to the Ashmolean Museum , or more specifically to Dr Theodore Kemp on behalf of the Museum .
8 But mother-of-two Mrs Spence said her sick leave was brought on by the stress of overwork .
9 The affair was seized on by the Soviet conservative press , which made particular note of the implication in the deal that Rbs140,000 million was worth US$7,500 million , which suggested a calculation based on the black-market exchange rate .
10 I mean everybody knew what was going on , they might have had their own interpretations of what they 'd been told , but that happens , and as I said you know , every decision was voted on by the full lodge of the three quarries .
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