Example sentences of "[noun] was [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Jean was pulling him by the hand towards the dance .
2 But Platt insisted that his only interest in Diego Maradona 's old club was beating them at the weekend to boost Bari 's survival chances .
3 But Platt insisted that his only interest in Diego Maradona 's old club was beating them at the weekend to boost Bari 's survival chances .
4 Gyggle was driving me along the coast road to Brighton as he spoke .
5 First er but I 've been tol I 'm sorry I 'm I have n't realized Scott was joining us on the line .
6 The government 's obvious intention was to identify me as the main source of all the criticism and speculation running counter to the official line on Flight 103 and then to destroy me .
7 The only way he knew to heal the pain of his humiliation was to punish her for the crime of leaving him .
8 Sue was beckoning her from the till .
9 Yeah , I think he did er , Rumpole was put him in the big time really .
10 Duvall was shaking him by the sleeve , bringing him back .
11 And now I understand how Selden knew that the hound was following him in the dark .
12 As Estella was leading me along the dark passages , she stopped suddenly and put her face close to mine .
13 Even as the BeSHT delighted his listeners with his pearls of wisdom , his stunning turns-of-phrase , his aphoristic acuity , so Leonard was learning his own , parallel metier ; the butterfly was following him down the hill .
14 The tactic used by the Commission for passing the Single European Act was to present it to the member states as if it were the only thing on offer : either take this or leave the Community .
15 However : What Mr Taylor [ for the council ] said … was … that the common assumption which lay behind the agreement was that the council was the owner of the … land and that Mr Tillson had no interest in either parcel of land beyond the tenancy which the council was to grant him by the transaction .
16 She also reveals how the actor who tried to make the world a better place was to rescue her from the brink again .
17 I think Alwin and Pat use an auditor cos as you know he 's in business and I 've got a feeling that Alwin was asking me about the auditors the other day , so whether there 's would be , whoever he is , would be er willing to do it , I do n't know .
18 My sister 's job was to meet her at the bus stop with the wheel basket so she did n't have to carry it up the road .
19 Flowers looked at fault , but the happy Town fans chanted ‘ Goddard for England ’ while the band was serenading them during the interval .
20 Nigel Cramer was phrasing it by the book .
21 Because i in , in theory presumably they s they should n't have been abusing their position , they should n't be gaining more because the whole point was to do it for the masses particularly , I mean if you were a Party cadre erm you should n't be getting more out of it than anybody else .
22 The aim was to put them on the spot — or at least to impress the Inspector with your knowledge and concern .
23 But Michele was urging her down the steps , and the gondolier had reached up to assist her into the gently rocking craft .
24 His pole was impaling her to the absolute limit , and she began panting as if she 'd just run the four-minute mile .
25 As they returned to Swinbrook on Grye , the gipsy horse , the trees of Wychwood closed in about them and Carrie imagined the sadly diminished yet still proud forest was protecting them from the rest of the world .
26 His special gift was to get us on the move , send us out to the butcher to buy that good piece of veal , into the kitchen to discover how delicate is the combination of veal , carrots , little onions , a scrap of bacon , seasonings and butter all so slowly and carefully amalgamated — and all done with butter and water alone .
27 The effect of all such variations was to make it in the interests of publishers not to specialize in one type of paper but , as they did increasingly over the post-war decades , to spread their interests across morning , evening and weekly papers — and , in a few cases , Sundays .
28 And the final tribute was paid them by the Ferrarese organist Luzzasco Luzzaschi ( 1545 ? -1607 ) , a pupil of Rore , in his Madrigali … per cantare et sonare a uno , e doi , e tre soprani ( Rome , 1601 ) in which the lower parts of the madrigal were played on a harpsichord .
29 The registrar was regarding me over the top of his spectacles and trying not to look at his watch .
30 The next moment I was on the floor and one was kicking me and the other was hitting me in the face .
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