Example sentences of "[noun] is [vb pp] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But he was by no means alone in Britain , for a combined silversmith and jeweller 's stock is known at the extensive settlement of Snettisham in Norfolk .
2 The programme is filmed at the National Folk Museum in Cardiff .
3 This programme is aimed at the experienced manager who now needs to develop the knowledge , perspective and skills required in a general management position .
4 From the date your application for a title search is received at the local Land Registry , you have 30 working days ( ie not less than six weeks ) within which period your client has priority over any other person who searches or seeks to register a dealing .
5 The best cleavage is found at the central GpC ; all the ApT sites are cut at about 25% of this rate , except for the first ApT on the 5'-side which shows no detectable cleavage .
6 Restart is aimed at the long-term unemployed and involves interviews with the employment department .
7 That knowledge enables you to plan your diet so that the balance of complex carbohydrates , fibre , unsaturated fats , animal and vegetable protein is kept at the maximum level for health and energy , as well as good looks .
8 The evidence presented above that the IL-6 induced DNA-protein complex is due to C/EBP δ/NF-IL6; β and that the biosynthesis of this protein is induced at the transcriptional level in Hep3B cells , is in contradiction with our previous findings ( 21–22 ) , and so we sought an explanation for this discrepancy .
9 Each case must be considered on its own merits though it is important that action is taken at the appropriate time .
10 Finally , it is useful to check that the Compact is targeted at the right cohort of leavers .
11 Further work is needed at the conceptual level in this area to determine the exact nature of the constraints required .
12 The 1992–93 Executive Committee was one of the smallest for years — the entire committee is pictured at the Annual Banquet .
13 The weight percentage retained on the coarsest sieve is plotted at the appropriate grain diameter , the sum of weight percentages retained in the two coarsest sieves is plotted at the next finer mesh , the cumulative contents of the first three sieves at the next finer mesh and so on until the entire sediment has been accounted for at 100% .
14 Ordinary inquiry is directed at the efficient settlement of belief , so that error or ignorance will not interfere with our practical concerns .
15 No audit opinion is required at the interim stage and the commissaires aux comptes and the auditors have neither carried out an audit nor given an audit opinion .
16 While there is no longer any premium relief on new life policies , higher rate taxpayers or people expecting to become so in the future , qualifying policies allow them to obtain a ‘ tax-free ’ lump sum when the policy matures although tax is paid at the basic rate on the fund by the life assurer .
17 If your parent has savings invested with a local authority , from which tax is deducted at the basic rate , she can only get some of this tax back if the tax , together with any other tax that is paid ( e.g. under Pay As Your Earn ) , comes to more than the proper tax on her total income .
18 The coxal process is situated at the ventral extremity of the pleural sulcus .
19 Data from the Census of Population is published at the small area level ( circa 200 households ) .
20 AT&T Co and Unix System Laboratories Inc want to be sure that no one that contributed significantly to the advance of Unix these past 24 years is overlooked at the big bash they 're throwing at UniForum ; all obscure names gratefully received .
21 AT&T and Unix System Labs want to be sure no one who contributed significantly to the advance of Unix these last 24 years is overlooked at the big bash they 're throwing at Uniforum ( UX No 423 ) .
22 The drama school will know about this , and make sure your picture is sent at the right time before you finish training .
23 While the landowners ' organisation is isolated at the local level , the problems of compensation for affected landowners and of management of the protected areas remain , largely due to the reluctance of the government .
24 Transit shall ( unless otherwise previously determined ) end when the Consignment is tendered at the usual place of delivery at the consignee 's address within the customary carriage hours of the district .
25 As the lexicon storage increases , more processing is required at the lexical processing stage to validate character combinations .
26 Striptease … is based on a contradiction : Woman is desexualised at the very moment when she is stripped naked .
27 Thus eclecticism is avoided at the very stage in the process where it is most needed .
28 Seat belt ‘ lock off ’ guide ensures the seat belt is held at the correct position .
29 An Orc army is defeated at the western end of Mad Dog Pass by Dwarfs led by Duregar .
30 Usually the word is applied at the immature stage before the eye swells with rising sap , often changing colour a little — which helps to identify it on a leafless stem .
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