Example sentences of "[noun] is [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this method the longitudinal scan of the gall bladder is divided into series of cylinders of equal height , with diameters perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the gall bladder image .
2 The best measure of average grain size , the mean is computed from sizes of particles spread through a range of percentile values .
3 That this has not always to be the case in religion is demonstrated by religions like Buddhism and Hinduism where laughter plays a big part .
4 The tapping from the furnace is done by means of tap holes in the side of the furnace and these are plugged with clay and what happens is one of the workers has a lump of clay on the end of a long metal rod .
5 The progesterone , as explained above , inhibits FSH-RH secretion ; the sponge is left in place for 21 days and when it is removed the goat starts to cycle , comes on heat and ovulates .
6 If your stomach feels tender and you have a slight temperature ( cystitis is an infection ) the best remedy is to go to bed with a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel against your stomach .
7 Once the right to reject the goods has lapsed , the buyer 's only remedy is to sue for damages for breach of contract .
8 Superficially , the approach is the same whether the remedy is contained in conditions of sale or conditions of purchase , and in many cases the wording of the remedies may be very similar indeed .
9 Our data are also consistent with observations in man that mucosal proliferation is increased in patients with large adenomas or cancer .
10 from such a simple diagram it is easy to assume that all the thinking is done in terms of functions .
11 The very term ‘ lunatic ’ , which was widely used in this discourse , implies a lay psychological theory : the term denotes people whose thinking is disrupted from logicality by personality or stupidity .
12 The early or lower stages that he has identified are first , a stage in which children 's thinking is rooted in obedience to adults , fear of punishment and acceptance of authority ; then a stage of an essentially self-interested acceptance , for the sake of reciprocity , of a principle of fairness between peers ; and then a further stage of seeking approval and desiring to be well thought of by one 's community or group .
13 Meanwhile , Spencer is coming to England for a tour in May to promote two earlier books , November of the Heart ( hardback ) and the paperback of Bygones .
14 ( b ) by finding that a domestic statute passed prior to entry is repealed by implication by the European Communities Act 1972 in so far as it fails to accord with our community obligations and thus does not represent the latest intention of Parliament ;
15 But no entry is given by Meude-Monpas for ‘ Batteur de mesure , and it is relevant to note that Meude-Monpas 's stated purpose was not to be academic about things , but to write for the ordinary reader .
16 I 'm not prepared for the deafening ‘ bang ’ as the sides of the box collapse and my moment of entry is masked by puthers of ‘ smoke ’ .
17 The entry form is usually located on or near the product and it is usually required that each entry is accompanied by proofs of purchase .
18 If truancy is defined as absence from school unauthorised by parents , then concentrating only on unauthorised absence could lull a school into a false sense of security .
19 In premature infants the development of the 24-hour sleep/ wake rhythm is delayed in comparison with that of full-term babies .
20 Aside from IBM and Apple , Groupe Bull SA is working with IBM on multi-processing , and Thomson-CSF SA subsidiary CETIA SA , are planning to launch PowerPC systems .
21 A number of pests and diseases attack pool fish , but most can be avoided if new stock is quarantined before introduction to the pool .
22 The value of the deal is estimated at £12m to £16m ; the company , which employs about 100 people and was founded in 1984 , made its fortune with the Lemmings series of games , and saw sales rise nearly 40% to £6.8m in the year to July 1992 , and is forecasting £1.5m pro fit on £12m sales this fiscal year .
23 erm a great deal is talked about democracy in schools and you very often have all kinds of organisations allegedly which take democratic decisions .
24 A reader-response experiment is reported in association with thought experiments , a method which allows discussion , if not of truth , then at least of validity and illustration .
25 His recital of the history of the archbishops ' exercise of authority over the whole of Britain over the centuries is punctuated by quotations from Gregory , proclaiming the claims of antiquity as a model for future conduct .
26 Although the metaphor whereby perception is equated with movement towards the object perceived is commonplace , the effect of making the eye , rather than the observer himself the subject of these verbs is to disassociate the observer , as if in contemplative detachment , from the eye , which is restless and energetic .
27 Gollancz Services ' warehouse is closed for stocktaking until 4th January .
28 But Allerce is banned for import by a european law called Cites which aims to protect endangered species .
29 A Court ring is rounded for comfort on the inside as well as the outside with across section forming an oval .
30 The unacceptability of certain conversion methods is accentuated for Gandhi by his belief that all religions have elements of truth and error and that no particular religion can lay claim to a monopoly of the truth .
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