Example sentences of "[noun] it [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But Greece 's have become a lot worse than most other people 's because of a couple of things those centuries it spent under Ottoman rule did to it .
2 Offices It works in this fashion : If you were working in a suite of offices , you might , if you were so inclined , have one office dedicated to word processing , one for drawing , another for accounting and so on .
3 Sir Lionel Russell , with a view from within the CNAA and the local authorities , said that he had never understood Crosland 's Woolwich speech and why he made it , and had doubts about the concentration in polytechnics because of the disappointment it meant to other colleges .
4 Because there are so many variables in the equation , it is inevitable that management has some discretion as to how much weight it attaches to any point in a particular case .
5 I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , just the paragraph there , the last paragraph in that chapter it says on that day when evening had come Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side and leaving the multitude they took him along with them just as he was in the boat and other boats were with them .
6 In summary then , the reasons for choosing The Machine Gunners include the opportunities it offers for various aspects of personal involvement on the part of the reader and its curricular potentials with regard to related topic , theme , and language work .
7 Partnerships should look at the case for an education service , in terms of the opportunities it presents for sensible planning , provision for population migration and demographic change , best use of scarce and expensive resources , effective curriculum and professional development , smooth transition between the ages and stages of education , and quality education for all those with special educational needs .
8 Little by little , however , the force of this long glen beneath the austere greyness of the Five Sisters touched Johnson , and he moved his position from that of first considering the political role of such remoteness , and the opportunities it gave for military strategies and subsequent escapes — Glenshiel had been the scene of a battle fifty-four years earlier in which local Highlanders unsuccessfully reinforced a Spanish invasion force — to being lulled by the sight of so many waters , brooks , burns , and silver rivulets , ‘ which commonly ran with a clear shallow stream over a hard pebbly bottom ’ .
9 It also has a joint venture with a waste management company , which delivers Crec computers it collects from municipal waste sites and which Crec , in turn , pays to dispose the extracted hazardous materials .
10 The processor can interpret several elements of the picture at once ; in other words it acts in parallel fashion .
11 These are too common to be the result of incapacity , and they are furthermore reinforced by the unpredictable but frequent use of the other devices of sound : alliteration in ‘ light laid ’ , ‘ shining shield ’ , ‘ ward all wounds ’ , etc. , alliterative assonance in ‘ sails of silver ’ , ‘ Night of Naught ’ , ‘ sight … he sought ’ and ‘ boat it bore with biting breath ’ .
12 IF the sophisticated modern diesel engine now makes economic sense for small cars , the savings it offers for bigger cars are more worthwhile .
13 But what was very enthralling about the jury service argument was the effect it had on older people themselves .
14 It never again had quite the effect it did on that day when Grom the Paunch of Misty Mountain was driven from the field , and , in truth , Gambo could n't quite remember that recipe to his dying day .
15 You also have to think of the effect it has on other people , how er if you just let people get away with it , it does n't mean you hate them , loathe them and damn them but er you 've got to make them realise that for other people , for everybody .
16 Thus the function of the family is the effect it has on other parts of the social structure and on society as a whole .
17 In the time of King Edward it answered for six sulings and now for two and a half , there is arable of seven teams , in demesne , there are three teams and fifteen villians with nine bordari have six teams .
18 The anecdote is instructive for the light it throws on changing relationships with clinicians .
19 Not least important is the constructive alternative it offers for alienated youth .
20 I believe in the case of these baths it took about one man year to do that transformation .
21 He was making a careful examination of the bowls and plates it contained in dusty confusion .
22 These examples suggest that while antislavery could not become an explicit test of membership of chapel communities it did in many cases become a norm of memberships and of a minister 's identity .
23 Ken , in the event neither fulminated nor frothed , and managed to restrict himself to a 15-minute speech in which he advanced some very cogent and well measured arguments for preventing bolting gaining the same sort of prominence it has in other countries — notably France and America .
24 This was the aspiration of increasing numbers of provincial antislavery militants ; how closely they approximated their aim and what tensions it provoked with parliamentary abolitionists , especially Buxton , can be observed in part through examining the use of the delegate conference or convention .
25 It is to the importance of this often underestimated ‘ Anglo-Saxon world ’ and the influence it had on English Nonconformity that we shall now turn .
26 A further merit of the presentation is the help it offers to those company functions whose responsibilities involve risks contingent upon the completion date of an R&D project .
27 A further merit of the presentation is the help it offers to those company functions whose responsibilities involve risks contingent upon the completion date of an R&D project .
28 Another attraction of the scheme is the flexibility it gives to general practitioners to make budgetary savings in certain aspects of their clinical practice which can then be reinvested in other aspects of patient care .
29 Silphium laciniatum , from the prairies of the central and southeastern states of America , is another six-footer , sometimes more , whose large , deeply divided foliage is far more ornamental than the yellow daisies it produces in late summer .
30 Among other matters it dealt with lay control of monasteries , excesses of dress among churchmen , and the immorality and drunkenness of Anglo-Saxon clergy , and ordered the holding of diocesan synods to implement the decrees of the council .
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