Example sentences of "[noun] to the first [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It must therefore be stated in reply to the first part of the second question that the term ‘ matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict ’ within the meaning of article 5(3) of the Convention must be regarded as an independent concept covering all actions which seek to establish the liability of a defendant and which are not related to a ‘ contract ’ within the meaning of article 5(1) .
2 He took the club to the first round of the FA Cup seven times .
3 In 1895 Bridgeman married Caroline , elder daughter of Cecil Parker , land agent to the first Duke of Westminster , and second son of Thomas Wolstenholme , sixth Earl of Macclesfield .
4 Motivated by the lure of the finish , the riot police team ploughed through 40 miles of mangrove swamp to the first sight of the Pacific Ocean at Porto Juminez .
5 Intel Corp has put off first deliveries of the P5 microprocessor to the first quarter of next year from the fourth quarter this year , but says that the move has not affected progress on the follow-on P6 , which it had said would start sampling as soon as the fourth quarter of next year , suggesting it will come very hot on the heels of the P5 .
6 Practice varies from faculty to faculty : for example , mostfaculties will accept SCOTVEC modules when these are offered in combination with other school-leaving qualifications ; some will make offers on the basis of Ordinary or Higher National Certificates or Diplomas for entry to the first year of study , while the Faculty of Science and Engineering will in appropriate circumstances consider such qualifications as a basis for entry to the second year .
7 Furthermore , legislation expressly intended to give effect to the first stage of Economic and Monetary Union has already been enacted , following the decision of the European Council in Madrid in June 1989 that that stage should begin on 1 July 1990 .
8 At the end of the sequence , you may choose to close it with a fade out , but a straight cut to the first shot of the next sequence might be more brisk and businesslike .
9 There were about 100 of them on Sunday 's evening flight from Bucharest to Tel Aviv , unmistakably Soviet with their fur hats , cheap wintry clothes and suitcases and quiet , mechanical submission to the first taste of Israeli bureaucracy .
10 Behind him , the horses moved to a trot , and he could feel the wariness giving way to disbelief , and the disbelief to the first stirrings of a dazed expectancy .
11 RESTORE followed by a parameter sets the data pointer to the first item of data in the specified line ( or the next line containing a DATA statement if the specified line does not contain data ) .
12 If the right arises by reference to the first marketing of the article , such as where a semiconductor topography is designed by a Brazilian in Brazil but is marketed in the United Kingdom by an importer , then the importer will be deemed to own the semiconductor design right .
13 It is rather difficult accurately to describe the idiosyncratic monument by Maximilian Colt at St Peter 's , Edensor , in Derbyshire to the First Earl of Devonshire ( d.1625 ) and his brother , Henry Cavendish ( d.1616 ) — perhaps the closest parallel would be a marble armoire with dressing-table in front , the whole flanked by two fearsome martial figures .
14 The output probe order of the annealing is then broken into a set of probe contigs , with either no or very few clones connecting the last probe of one contig to the first probe of the next .
15 Reading this group of sonnets is to be reminded of the noble conclusion to the first book of Bacon 's Advancement of Learning : In describing his Friend as my love or He the Poet could be seen as using the third-person form in order to place him apart , perhaps to place him outside the sphere of time 's influence .
16 The proposal made some changes to the first paragraph of Security Council Resolution 598 , dealing with a ceasefire and the withdrawal of troops , in line with Iraqi demands .
17 Even as I wrote the final corrections to the first edition of this text in January 1973 , a splendid , though destructive new tear had Opened across the island of Heimaey , south of Iceland , and new oceanic crust was being formed .
18 By applying a 20p rate to the first £2,000 of taxable income , we have cut taxes for all 25 million taxpayers , and taken the four million on lowest incomes out of 25p tax altogether .
19 With respect to the first part of the question , it must be observed that the concept of ‘ matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict ’ serves as a criterion for defining the scope of one of the rules concerning the special jurisdictions available to the plaintiff .
20 For example , with respect to the first category of nomic correlates , the category which will be of most importance to us , there is the truth that if a necessitates b , then b is necessary to a .
21 She contributed a paper to the first congress of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science in Birmingham ( 1857 ) .
22 Canadian firm Consensys Computer Inc , Markham , Ontario since 1985 , a vendor of intelligent input/output cards , is laying claim to the first shipments of USL Unix SVR4.2 Destiny shrink-wrapped binary operating systems for Intel iAPX-86 architectures .
23 She instructed Nina to radio for the county ambulance before climbing the stairs to the first floor of the jig and following the foreman along the boards for about twenty yards until they were able to see the injured man .
24 When the London Mercers ' Company presented a petition attacking clerical malpractice to the first session of that parliament , Henry allowed it to be transformed into three statutes , which curbed abuses in the areas of pluralism and non-residence , and in the exaction of probate and mortuary fees .
25 ( At this point notice the parallels to the first part of Coleridge 's Kubla Khan , with its Dome of Pleasure and Sacred River , and its order imposed by an all-mighty ruler . )
26 Application for admission to the first year of these courses should be made on the University 's direct entry form directly to the University of Ulster .
27 It can be argued that ‘ normalizing ’ the marked English structure is not a good strategy in this instance and that a slightly different but similarly marked Arabic structure ( using a particle such as inna ) would have preserved the prominence given by the writer to the first part of the statement ( Mr Rowland wants ) and still sounded natural in Arabic :
28 Revealing the painful side of the very private area of a marriage or close domestic partnership involves breaking social taboos , and sympathetic response to the first hint of difficulty helps the communication ( Wilson and James , 1987 ) .
29 Hence , even where force is used in self-defence in response to the first use of violence the employment of a greater degree of force than that used by the attacker , or the continued use of force beyond the point where the attacker is willing or unable to continue the attack would not be seen as legitimate in law .
30 Cats ' alert : Fire caused at least £10,000 of damage to the first floor of a house in Pannal Avenue , Whinney Banks , Middlesbrough last night .
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