Example sentences of "[noun] to [art] many [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With their emphasis more on the location of the work than on its precise nature , support teachers have evolved their own solutions to the many questions about support teaching for which there are as yet no generally accepted answers .
2 They are not difficult to deal with , thanks to the many tracks on the market which can be bent to fit the shape .
3 TEM recently sent out a circular to the many hospitals with their machines , asking them to look out for uranium dust .
4 The research has drawn attention to the many ways of creating worthwhile opportunities for talk and collaboration , for learning in a group and as a group other than structuring tasks for cooperative working .
5 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry has written to the Leader of the Opposition drawing attention to the many ways in which it was a gross distortion and to the fact that , for example , one in 10 personal computers sold in the world — let alone in this country — is now made in Scotland and that no less than 85 per cent .
6 In reaction to the many comments to the effect that shanty towns are full of poverty , misery and crime , he pointed out that these settlements were an improvement on the city centre slums .
7 It also has access to the many years of experience on domestic credit underwriting in Holland from its parent company .
8 Each week in addition to the many requests for advice N C V O receives , hundreds of information enquiries about the work of N C V O , about the work of its specialised units , and the work of the voluntary sector as a whole .
9 In addition to the many dialects of Chinese , many other languages of South-East Asia ( e.g. Thai , Vietnamese ) are tone languages ; so are very many African languages , particularly those to the South and West , and a considerable number of Amerindian languages .
10 A book published in 1935 , A century of municipal progress ( edited by Laski , Jennings and Robson ) as the title implies , had a tone which was optimistic and self-confident — in sharp contrast to the many threats to world peace at that time , indicative of a breakdown of effective law and order elsewhere : the Japanese invasion of Manchuria , the rise of Hitler , the failure of the Disarmament Conference , the progressive decline of the League of Nations , the assault on Abyssinia and the Spanish Civil War .
11 A striking point is the very extensive effort ‘ Centro ’ is making to inform and persuade the public that this scheme is a beneficial one — a welcome contrast to the many cases of official bullying one hears about !
12 In response to the many toasts from his American colleagues he had made a light-hearted speech at dinner , which belied his deep disappointment at being sent back to the States on a Public Relations assignment .
13 DAB had been concerned that insufficient time was available at its meetings to give detailed consideration to the many conferences for which it was responsible .
14 Now let me read the words for the s benefit of those who do n't have them add new section eight and rem renumber eight urge his majesty 's government to give continuing and careful concern to the many situations in which lack of financial resources are still causing elderly people grave hardship .
15 Bismuth is still used by some practitioners as an adjunct to penicillin therapy , but in most centres the advent of penicillin and other antibiotics has , at long last , brought an end to the many centuries during which the treatment of syphilis was worse than the disease itself .
16 To do justice to the many writings of Marx and the vast body of work that has accumulated around his writings is impossible within the confines of this book and we shall , therefore , merely attempt to discuss one or two ideas and indicate their impact upon organisations .
17 But first he takes us on a brisk trot through lesser ranges , principally the Alps , from Balmat on Mont Blanc to the many feats of Mummery and beyond .
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