Example sentences of "[noun] to [pron] [pron] could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 We gave them two addresses to which they could write in case we did not return and told them where our more precious belongings were .
2 If he sets his mind to it he could make it in the cross-channel game , ’ says Scottish goal scoring ace Derek Cook , who himself will pose a considerable threat to Ards .
3 There were always polite formulae to which one could adhere .
4 Perhaps , too , he may have believed that once the gloss on my love affair dimmed , his money would act as a reminder of the comforts to which I could return .
5 Venetian diplomats were likely to demand every ceremonial honour to which they could assert any shred of claim , and to be very touchy when faced with any apparent threat , however slight , to their status .
6 Such intimacy as life with my mother entailed should cease with parturition , and since Syl so resembled her in his attitude to me I could see no end to my continued childhood .
7 Holland had both a tradition of national independence to which it could look back , and important colonial possessions , but , like Belgium , was formally ‘ new ’ .
8 Too many people , she said , had used AIDS as an issue to which they could add their own prejudices .
9 It was not a place to which he could take Maureen MacQuillan or any woman , and only partly because he shared it with a fellow MP .
10 Su'a received the third lbw of the match to which one could raise an eyebrow — this one was coming across him from a suspiciously sharp angle as DeFreitas bowled round the wicket and wide out .
11 Romania 's ethnic Germans once estimated at between 200,000 and 220,000 , were reported to be flooding out of the country , taking advantage of the policy of West Germany which granted citizenship to anyone who could prove German descent .
12 British town planning , both as a movement and as a profession , found that it had a relevance to wider questions to which it could respond .
13 If a potential philanthropist did exist , he might have found it a deterrent that there was no established leadership to whom he could talk .
14 She began to feel foolish but she had to talk to somebody and Miss Hatherby was the only person to whom she could turn .
15 It seems ludicrous that Scottish Back-Benchers do not even have the facility of a Select Committee on Scottish Affairs to which we could summon Ministers and ask them in detail about the problems that we face .
16 In the case of the Londoners , however , they may have been more vulnerable to plague than were country dwellers , unless they themselves had , as they might , country properties to which they could flee in time of pestilence .
17 Their price of £4,000 to anyone who could find a typographical error in their works remains unclaimed to this day .
18 There was no one of my age to whom I could talk , and I did n't want to venture out any more .
19 But as the BUF acquired a Chelsea headquarters where activists lived as soldiers in barracks , and a Blackshirt uniform was issued to remove the distinction of class and wealth , there emerged a political ideal to which he could give his complete loyalty .
20 Does my right hon. Friend agree that although business sponsorship of the arts is extremely important and welcome , it would be just as beneficial for the arts , particularly local theatres such as the Civic theatre in Chelmsford , if we had a national lottery to which everyone could contribute to help to raise funds for the arts ?
21 The meat was often sold on stalls in the villages , but there was a limit to what one could buy .
22 There seemed no limit to what it could achieve .
23 There was a limit to what she could make out , given the angle and that she was trying to see the page upside-down , but what she saw was enough to confirm that this book , or perhaps its predecessor for the previous year , had the potential to tell her exactly what she most needed to know .
24 We 're gon na , we 're gon na stay on this issue of ownership and surpluses for a little time , cos it 's actually so important , but it 's not unreasonable for your pensioners to think that here was this pot of money to which one could dip into , but the only thing is the pot of money disappeared did n't it ?
25 John always remained very concerned about the designing of his own ballets but was never specifically credited with responsibility for their designs , preferring to collaborate with an artist to whom he could explain his ideas and from whom he expected further ideas to enhance the final outcome .
26 At least out here they had to play according to some sort of standard of fairness , even if it was a standard they could change as they went along according to how it suited them ( like doubling the bus fares just after he 'd found that job way out in Brentford ) , but in prison , even more so than in a mental hospital , there were no real limits to what they could do to him .
27 This situation , coupled with the insuperable physical difficulties of governing a huge , thinly populated empire , set inescapable limits to what she could hope to achieve .
28 She shut her bedroom door , knowing fate had decreed that the book she was reading should be resting in the sitting-room , leaving her with nothing to do but make her bed , sit on it , lie on it , unmake it , jump on it , push it round the floor — there were limits to what you could do with a bed , and it was the only piece of furniture in the room .
29 He also saw the need to rewrite roles around the talents of the actors , as he did for Crawford , but there were limits to what he could do to make the most of the story for the cinema .
30 The degree of stability to which it could attain remained to be seen .
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