Example sentences of "[noun] of [v-ing] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The important aspect of the relative clause proposal seems to be that both relative clause and postnominal adjective share the characteristics of linking an adjective to its head noun by the relation of assignment , not simple qualification , while remaining within the same entity-identifying phrase as that noun .
2 Nor should you be reluctant to let it be known that you are contemplating buying from another retail outlet , as the fear of losing a sale to a rival may well have a favourable impact on the price .
3 In the absence of clear evidence of this nature , the court is likely to infer that the squatter neither had had nor had claimed any intention of asserting a right to the possession of the land …
4 It has , however , recommended that the crime of administering a drug to a woman for the purpose of obtaining sexual intercourse should extend to other sexual acts involving gross indecency and should protect males as well as females .
5 The impossibility of maintaining a minute to minute control of larger staff will inevitably cause complications during any roll-call attempt to account for every person .
6 One advantage of allocating a case to a student is he/she may have more time to spend in follow-up .
7 This also had the advantage of giving a signal to the money markets .
8 This pattern draws in considerably and you will be able to see the advantage of losing a stitch to both sides of the cables .
9 But no cases would be started in the hope of convincing a judge to " extend " an uncontroversial rule in a controversial way , and ( what is even more important ) no one would ever adjust his conduct in anticipation that a court might extend a rule if for some reason his affairs were brought before it .
10 Families manoeuvred and mothers shepherded in the hope of cornering a compartment to themselves .
11 The subscription was 5/- a year if paid in one sum or 1/6 a quarter but all persons under 20 years of age one shilling quarterly , for which they received a signed ticket of admission and also had the privilege of introducing a lady to the free lectures , the members themselves were admitted ( at half price ) to lectures where a charge was made .
12 But the difficulty of establishing a claim to self determination can be seen with regard to birth control .
13 Earlier , on March 1 , the United States government had banned all further economic and military aid to Sudan in accordance with a policy that military regimes which acceded to power via a coup would be denied aid unless they demonstrated signs of preparing a return to a democratic system within eight months .
14 The solution is not to abolish honorary degrees for this would remove the one means in the gift of the University of recognising a debt to a person who has made a contribution of time and service to the well being of the University .
15 Mr. Burnett raised the issue of sending a letter to Headteachers re .
16 Thus it happened that in November 1989 , more than six years after the matter had first come to light , he was charged with two offences of offering an advantage to Mr. Turner , contrary to the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance ( Laws of Hong Kong , 1987 rev. , c. 201 ) .
17 TSEMI was given the job of producing an alternative to the ideas of the state planning agency , Gosplan .
18 Mr Major now has the job of finding a solution to the problems raised by the Danish No vote .
19 In the first week of March , in what was effectively a coup against Negrín , a National Defence Council was created in Madrid , with the aim of negotiating an end to hostilities .
20 These processes are variations on the general theme of matching a worker to an appropriate job .
21 The edict of Chilperic I tackled a larger selection of issues , including inheritance , dowry and robbery , but above all it legislated on the whole process of bringing a slave to trial by ordeal ; when he was to be handed over to trial , and what delays might be allowed before the king 's legal officer , the graphio , and the local law-men , the rachinburgi , took action .
22 the process of making a commitment to marriage usually involves a number of stages .
23 This will be , do n't you see I 'm in the process of answering a letter to Regional Railways , on the whole finances of er Leeds North Western , and I needed to know which number you 'd actually
24 The process of putting a service to competitive tendering requires that very beneficial process .
25 Is he the only geophysics supervisor to have suffered the misfortune of losing a student to the great geophysicist in the sky ?
26 Research is urgently needed into the true costs of running a home to registration standards , it says .
27 That is the inevitable result of the doctrine which can only afford protection of the defendant at the risk or price of causing an injustice to the plaintiff .
28 ‘ Well , ’ continued Jamie , staring into the past , ‘ she had a well-known habit of taking a fancy to tall sodgers . ’
29 Several colleagues remember her habit of turning a design to one side and the other and back again lest anything in it could be viewed as a tiny insect or wild animal 's eyes , thus creating horrible fear for an imaginative child .
30 In its assertion of a total world-view , the Church was also important in terms of creating a receptivity to a certain kind of all-embracing ideology .
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