Example sentences of "[noun] of [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , in view of the risks of inhaling a foreign body an inhaler 's safety cap should always be replaced when it is not in use .
2 The relative risks of developing a duodenal ulcer for persons with blood group O and non-secretor status was 1.35 and 1.5 respectively .
3 The risks of establishing an expensive precedent were considered too great to countenance .
4 The mother can then be advised of the increased risks of bearing an affected child , but this offers no preventive course of action .
5 TI was well aware of the risks of mounting a hostile takeover — the £497m bid for Dowty was the first it had attempted since its joint bid for British Aluminium in 1959 .
6 ‘ Then you have got the tactics of finding the right stream , getting the right cover from the wind .
7 Recent work , notably in Cambridge as well as in the United States , has demonstrated the feasibility of exposing a female ovum to spermatozoa outside the human body — in which such exposure normally takes place — in a special medium .
8 The research aims to assess the feasibility of conducting a follow-up study of peasant households in Chile which were previously interviewed in 1968 .
9 The Commission itself has been examining the feasibility of creating an official forum within the Community 's institutions through which the European regional economies can express opinions and make recommendations .
10 Marshall pondered the feasibility of implementing an alternative strategy for the occupation of Japan through the utilisation of naval and air forces with troops being transported by air to assume control of vital areas .
11 The analysis of the End-of-Grant Reports and the questionnaire will also be used to assess the feasibility of establishing an ongoing data base of current and completed projects .
12 In conducting this review the University has taken into account the feasibility of raising the necessary funding from outside sources .
13 Empirical and theoretical materical from these sources will be used to assess the feasibility of mounting a randomised control trial of the effects of low incomes on health .
14 In Climate and Life he recalls the work of his collaborator O.A. Drozdov on ‘ Changing the Climate in Connection with the Plan for Transforming Nature in the Drought Regions of the USSR ’ ; and studies by others on the feasibility of melting the polar ice with nuclear energy and by damming the Behring Straits and pumping water from the Behring Sea into the Arctic .
15 Victor 's thinking of buying a dozen horses off them , unless he sees something he fancies better at Alejandro 's tomorrow .
16 The university teacher in Britain , thinking of producing a tape-slide sequence to explain a particular concept or process to his students , may well need only to consider , with a production assistant , the learning objectives , the structure of the process to be considered , the best ways to exemplify this in the photographs to be taken , the graphics to design , and the commentary to write , and then turn it all over to the producer to put into effect , with his guidelines and help .
17 We said we were a research company thinking of vetting a future employee .
18 Thus the average momentary pleasure , say , of hearing Parsifal on a certain occasion must be a definite number of times more or less pleasant than that of a particular episode of sucking a boiled sweet .
19 The Society also repeated last year 's successful experiment of holding a miniature display and bookstall at the famous Shropshire Steam Rally held in Bishop 's Castle .
20 ALL PRIMARY and secondary schools in Scotland are to be given videos illustrating methods of creating a stronger school character .
21 Four common methods of generating the open-loop velocity profile are examined in this Section .
22 An engineer may be well versed in the technique of value engineering ; it includes methods of generating the creative discontinuity .
23 Alternative methods of achieving the same objective should be sought and the problem should not be allowed to rest until a satisfactory solution is found .
24 They can backfire they can lead to some injustices but what they are is a signal that other methods of getting a better representation of women in parliament , in local councils has really not worked .
25 We saw that when the genes of a parasite work together with each other , but in opposition to the genes of the host ( which all work together with each other ) , it is because the two sets of genes have different methods of leaving the shared vehicle , the host 's body .
26 First of all , there have been important advances in experimental methods : single cell recordings with exquisitely fine electrodes ; novel methods of imaging the internal structure of neurons and the connections between them ; cell culture techniques permitting the growth and development of nervous systems to be studied in great detail ; and sophisticated computational and statistical analysis of data permitting better mathematical modelling of large and small scale events in the nervous system and its functional connections .
27 to suggest methods of meeting the identified needs .
28 Both are more refreshing than a toner — and more effective methods of removing the last traces of make-up and oil .
29 On a large contract one of the most cost effective methods of calculating the total cost of disruption is to use a computer .
30 Since users ' ability to appropriate most of the benefits of innovations is likely to be particularly evident in industries where spillovers or positive pecuniary externalities inhibit independent R&D by suppliers , it follows that co-operative R&D ventures amongst suppliers and user-led innovation programmes may be alternative methods of reaching the same goal .
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