Example sentences of "[noun] set [pron] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this case , as in others , television docudrama set itself up as the tidier and balancer of history .
2 Where did he get the money to set himself up with a yacht in Burnham-on-bloody-Crouch if it was n't a pay-off from Maurice Abberley for services rendered ? ’
3 ‘ And then , after the war , the newly formed High Council set themselves up as the Time Lords . ’
4 She is usually working on a series of paintings and says , ‘ One picture sets you off on a road , and I have to make perhaps six paintings before I come to a fork , onto another road ’ .
5 She is usually working on a series of paintings and says , ‘ One picture sets you off on a road , and I have to make perhaps six paintings before I come to a fork , onto another road ’ .
6 Finally , my old friend Alistair Sampson set me up with a cheerful office over his shop in the Brompton Road , where I am gathering stock and beginning life again .
7 In 58 ‘ your slave ’ , ‘ your vassal ’ is ready to swallow any insult or neglect , the poem concluding : The second-person pronouns come so thick and fast here that we can not miss the bitter criticism of the Friend setting himself up as a law unto himself , becoming so entirely obsessed with his own pleasures that he betrays their relationship .
8 My priestly friend set me down outside the two cathedrals and I bade him a fond farewell .
9 Patrick was studying medicine , and it was her wish to set him up in a practice of his own one day .
10 ‘ If only I had the means to set you up in a house where I could visit you . ’
11 People setting themselves up as the philosophers and artists and intelligentsia and other people setting themselves up as their assessors ?
12 Crilly sets me up with a tube and foil .
13 There is no silver foil , so Crilly sets us up with an empty chocolate wrapping from his pocket .
14 He has to compose around something , so his isolating ( once strident ) individualism sets him up for a Bowiesque plummet into British nationalism and a flirtation with racism with overtures to the Nazis .
15 Konitz acknowledges that there is some basis in his history for this view : he and his 1950s musical guru , the pianist Lennie Tristano , in a sense set themselves up as a ( white ) alternative school to bebop : ‘ Tristano was keen to prove that whites could play jazz , though Charlie Parker , Lester Young and Louis Armstrong were his heroes .
16 So , with one LP , Morrissey set himself up as the new Tom Robinson ?
17 There was little enthusiasm , then , as the paper moved towards the alien financial world of the City to set itself up as a public limited company .
18 Nick set him down on the terrace and he rushed indoors .
19 Ron Rooney objects to Dr Mitchell setting himself up as a moral censor ( Chem .
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