Example sentences of "[noun] bring [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is a condition brought about by the combined effect of evolution and civilisation and for everyone it is quite unavoidable .
2 Members and supporters brought up in the pre-1968 glory days are mostly content to support the White Rose despite their lack of success .
3 Rachel , who had already been battling with unpredictable sensations brought on by the close proximity of David clad only in his brief black swimming-trunks , felt her cheeks flame and could n't bring herself to look at him .
4 Or maybe she was experiencing a sort of nightmare or hallucination — some kind of unfortunate delusion brought on by the overwhelming stress and strain of her job … ?
5 The family member tends to react to crises brought about by the addictive disease as if addiction were just like any other acute disease .
6 One is the change in product mix brought about by the changing relative price of products which have had microelectronics incorporated into them .
7 After that , the manager went through the procedure adopted : a telephone call to the reference number cited ; verification of credit card ; verification of driving licence ; verification of home address ( the last three usually completed within ten minutes or so on the International Information Computer ) ; preparation , presentation , and signing of the contract ( including appropriate insurance clauses ) ; then , paperwork now completed , the car brought round to the outer forecourt , with an assistant to give the client a quick run-over of the controls , and to hand over the keys .
8 But such paradoxes were unlikely to convince businessmen brought up on the economic theory of the ‘ wage-fund ’ , which they believed to be a scientific demonstration that raising wages was impossible and trade unions were therefore doomed to failure .
9 Consider the case of a teacher brought up in the hard school where right answers were rewarded by praise and wrong answers by the cane .
10 I would buy the parchment and arrange its transport down to the wharves and we concluded that , if we sold the wine brought back on the first voyage , we would make a profit .
11 By this time , Alex , a Wilton Weaver to trade , had also qualified in Gripper Axminster — an unusual combination in those days brought about by the unexpected shut down of Wilton manufacturing during 1951/1952 .
12 In part , McKenna sees this as a natural reaction to the ecological crisis brought on by the modern era .
13 There are over 50,000 Vietnamese in what used to be the GDR brought over in the Eighties as Gastarbeiter ( guest workers ) to do menial factory jobs .
14 However , it became established at Woodford and through Warner 's generosity offshoots were distributed , as were many other rarities raised by him from seeds brought in from the Far East .
15 Spain , its two kingdoms brought together by the dual monarchy of the Catholic Kings , Ferdinand and Isabella , and beginning to benefit from the riches of the New World , was emerging out of its previous isolation and preoccupation with internal affairs to become one of the two dominant powers of Europe .
16 The increasing sophistication of urban demands for consumer goods such as pots and ironwork for house-building , the problems brought about by the steady withdrawal from continental sources of supply and the need for stronger defences , combined with the entrepreneurial spirit of many local landlords and the increased flow of capital from farming and trading profits to encourage a very rapid development indeed .
17 Administrative reforms brought about by the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act merely consolidated the already established authority in West Ham .
18 Benefits of this system include an improvement in urban fuel economy of between 8 and 14 per cent , remarkably stable idling with a reduction from 900 rpm to 825 rpm and a consequent gain in comfort and also a reduction in pollution brought about by the lower fuel consumption .
19 This hit carpets and furniture retailing particularly hard , as did new furniture fire regulations brought in by the European Commission piecemeal .
20 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
21 Richard Johnson in his essay on the early nineteenth-century radical educators emphasised the relationship between the activities of the latter and the tremendous social , economic and political changes brought about by the industrial revolution .
22 But before that stage was reached , the far-reaching social and economic changes brought about by the post-emancipation process of modernization , industrialization and the growth of capitalist relationships in Russia also found their idiosyncratic expression in Siberia , newly enlarged by the territory of the Amur and Ussuri regions which were incorporated into the empire at China 's expense by the visionary efforts of the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia , N.N. Muravev-Amurskii ( treaties of Aigun , 1858 , and Pekin , 1860 ) .
23 Had the changes brought about by the 1980 Social Security Act not taken place , the maximum payment in 1981 would have been £19.25 .
24 As several hon. Members have said , the changes brought about by the 1988
25 Two other changes brought about by the 1988 Act make it important that other aspects of policy are also managed in as full and collegial a manner as possible .
26 One of the problems in evaluating the changes brought about by the Conservative government since 1979 is that of disentangling long term trends from the direct effects of policy initiatives .
27 Ernst & Young fielded a former Inland Revenue Inspector of Taxes and a former VAT inspector — gamekeepers turned poacher as it were — to talk about the changes brought about by the Single Market to the regulations governing direct taxation and VAT .
28 DRIVER Jerry Ward has first-hand experience of changes brought about by the Single Market during his regular trips from the UK to France .
29 Changes brought about by the National Curriculum and Local Management of Schools have altered the content and balance of the curriculum and brought about a radical revision in the style of school management .
30 The organisers were looking for a nurse who could show how her work — both before and after the changes brought in with the New Contract — had helped her patients .
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