Example sentences of "[noun] turn [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bernice turned to rage at the woman .
2 Morse turned to look at the waters once more before he left , then sat silently in the passenger-seat of the police car as Lewis had a final word with Sergeant Dixon .
3 Patrick turned to look at the street , wondering what had brought Collins here ; but it seemed just another poor tenement side street .
4 The order was obeyed , and as Mr Brownlow turned to go down the street , he saw Oliver lying on the pavement , shaking , his face as white as death .
5 His Mum turned to look at the car that had crushed the arrow bits .
6 Elaine turned to walk into the house .
7 Silence spread slowly across the supper tables as the hundreds of guests turned to stare at the Rifleman who , in turn , searched the supper tables for a particular person .
8 Breeze turned to glance at the man who had just entered the shop , and saw that it was Roger Kenyon .
9 Lesley-Jane turned to look into the wings , and screamed .
10 The Doctor and Lacuna turned to look at the screens .
11 Even as Greg turned to run towards the house , he seemed to register that Viola 's concern for Hilda was less genuine than her concern for Pimpernel .
12 Blake turned to look at the Doctor .
13 When they were in the woods Tess turned to look at the house .
14 ‘ Suki … ’ said the child through her sobs , and Chrissie turned to look into the garden .
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