Example sentences of "[noun] must have have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If state officials perform a particular action , the elite must have had a goal which that action helps .
2 My mum must have had a seizure of something when she had me — ‘ Let's call him Lenworth ! ’
3 If we found an object such as a watch upon a heath , even if we did n't know how it had come into existence , its own precision and intricacy of design would force us to conclude that the watch must have had a maker : that there must have existed , at some time , and at some place or other , an artificer or artificers , who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer ; who comprehended its construction , and designed its use .
4 ‘ The drivers must have had a shock .
5 During the 1590s Evesham must have had a London workshop .
6 The ice cream girl must have had a lie in this Sunday morning , and she arrived towards the end of the film showing prior to the interval .
7 The Waldron City Herald night editor must have had a fit trying to decide which one got the three inch banner .
8 This would mean that science could predict that the universe must have had a beginning , but that it could not predict how the universe should begin : For that , one would have to appeal to God .
9 As experimental and theoretical evidence mounted , it became more and more clear that the universe must have had a beginning in time , until in 1970 this was finally proved by Penrose and myself , on the basis of Einstein 's general theory of relativity .
10 On that night , Tuesday , 24 August 1773 , they talked of murderers being hanged — Lord Errol must have had a fund of such stories : he was the Lord High Constable of Scotland ; then they drank port , and were seen to their rooms by their host himself .
11 The eye must have had a designer , just as the telescope had .
12 Yet when he came to write the chapters on earthquakes and volcanos in Madam How and Lady Why ( 1869 ) , he could not dismiss from his mind the notion that , underlying the scientific explanation of how these disasters occurred , God must have had a reason for permitting them .
13 ‘ This man Riddle must have had a taste for nuts and raisins ; he seems to have eaten quite a few within a couple of hours before his death . ’
14 I estimate that the L.O.R. must have had a stock of at least 1000 tickets to cover all needs .
15 Rosenior must have had a rush of blood as he kicked Kernaghan .
16 We have known for twenty-five years that Einstein 's general theory of relativity predicts that time must have had a beginning in a singularity fifteen billion years ago .
17 I think people who go to prison must have had a reason for whatever they did .
18 Old Charlie must have had a bit of a penchant for potholing judging by the amount of time he spent in every rock crevice north of Carlisle , but I prefer to suspend my scepticism and believe that the great man did indeed peel off his powdered wig and roll out a sleeping-bag in all the places that maps and local handouts would have us believe .
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