Example sentences of "[noun] because [pron] do n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I put my hands over my ears because I did n't want to know what was happening .
2 He had his cigarette firmly between his lips because he did n't want it falling on the floor , or worse , on to the track .
3 Some are antis because they do n't like Europe full stop .
4 His first wife had left him to become a theatrical agent because she did n't want to be just a housewife .
5 They get cheaper insurance rates because their accident records are better ; they have fewer problems with their cars because they do n't thrash them ; and they probably expend far less nervous energy when they are driving , because they treat it like any other domestic activity .
6 I had to walk all the way to Magnus 's house in the dark because I did n't have any money .
7 She seems to have been a girl who drifted into relationships because she did n't like upsetting people .
8 I would 've said that , but last night this meeting said they 'd very much like to see a officer in a car because they do n't see anybody at the moment
9 I think they 'd say that they 'd like to see an officer in a car because they do n't see anybody , what they really mean they want to see somebody they can talk
10 It seems the Reillys , who live in Dorset , stockpiled their life savings in the car because they did n't believe in banks or building societies .
11 There had once been a row at Goodwood when the scrutineers rejected Colin 's car because it did n't have a fireproof bulkhead .
12 I 'm a car owner who 's actually thinking of selling my car because I do n't use it much in Glasgow I do n't need to , I can actually walk to work and to come to somewhere like Edinburgh tonight I would much prefer to use the train , but I think we could have much more adequal plans to do with pedestrianizing city centres so that cars were banned from them altogether , they could bring back trams which are much less in terms of pollution , they might not make us big profits for the company 's but they are a very good way , we , a lot of European cities still use trams .
13 Millwall manager Mick McCarthy admitted : ‘ I did advise the lads to cool down at half-time because I did n't want anyone sent off .
14 The reason the Democrats lost was that Stevenson lacked ‘ the presidential image ’ — which sounds suspiciously like saying he did n't become president because he did n't become president .
15 ‘ You ca n't be influenced from the future because you do n't know what 's going to happen , so you can only be influenced from the past .
16 They have destroyed hundreds of lives — of the women separated for ever from their husbands , of young children forcibly kept from their mothers and old parents left in isolation because they do n't qualify as dependants .
17 His mother , Barbara Edwards of Cae Gwilym Lane , Cefn Mawr , said later : ‘ I did n't want a verdict that he was killed in action because he did n't go out there to fight , he went out to keep the peace . ’
18 stop the tape because it does n't want me on it .
19 That was said in anger and confusion because I did n't want you to know how much you 'd hurt me ! ’
20 One of the difficulties that actually struck me last night about an organization like A B S A is that how wide , and in fact I 've got something in my filing cabinet next door which will tell me if I looked it up , how wide is the umbrella of the arts because we do n't have anything similar for sport , we do n't have anything specific
21 Charman did not confront Gedge over his flirtation with Catt because he did n't want to cause a major disruption in the middle of a tour .
22 We do n't send more papers out to external referees because we do n't want to exhaust this valuable resource ( even though we have about 2500 referees on our database ) and because we are the best judge of issues like whether the paper belongs in the BMJ or another sort of journal .
23 He ca n't have put it there for effect because he did n't know who was going to be there .
24 It was an effort to reach up for my dressing-gown which was hanging on the back of the door and I felt bitter against Richard because he did n't see that I was ill and come to help me .
25 oh the timetable which I as well will , will erm , would be about two months , the first step has to be taken by the defendant because we do n't know yet whether they are prepared to oppose the structure , and if so , what sort of structure they would be prepared to oppose , erm , if and when , er a formal offer of structure came through , I would have little doubt that we could instruct accountants and get a response within a matter of weeks , sometimes one has to if they 're doing an commercial structure within a week or so because the offer is only open for ten days
26 As her son Charles , the new Earl Spencer , observes : ‘ It was a dreadful time for my parents and probably the root of their divorce because I do n't think they ever got over it . ’
27 " I love foliage and I think you have to rely a lot on that in small gardens because you do n't have room to leave dormant areas where nothing is happening for a long period , " she says .
28 A lot of fund managers do n't invest in the insurance sector because they do n't understand the accounts — our P/E ratio , for instance , is meaningless .
29 A lot of fund managers do n't invest in the insurance sector because they do n't understand the accounts
30 The determined schoolgirl took her case all the way to a county court judge because she did n't like living with her new stepfather .
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