Example sentences of "[noun] come [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These images came to her from the metal engravings of the conquest of Libya which had appeared in the illustrated journals ; she did not remember the different countries of the Italian empire in question , for all of Africa — Libya , Somalia , Eritrea alike — beat out a rhythm of adventure and spoils and heroism .
2 When Pat came to me in the autumn of 1989 she was suffering from osteoarthritis of the neck and spine with accompanying raised blood pressure .
3 Her lips came towards him through the darkness , he felt the touch of her fingers at the most erotic points of his body .
4 And it was then that she saw Christie Goldsborough coming towards her along the path , his spectacular , fur-lined driving-cape swinging loose around his shoulders , his feet encased in the finest quality leather , his carriage — a shiny , high-perch sporting phaeton — waiting for him just there , in the road beyond the church wall , whenever he had a mind to take the reins in his gloved hands and go dashing off to drink champagne and eat bride-cake at Frizingley Hall .
5 What time is Lucy coming to you by the way Terry ?
6 He turned , watching the priest coming towards him through the falling snow .
7 Tim and Oliver were on the balcony , their voices coming to her across the warm stillness .
8 All in all it was with a feeling of indescribable joy that on the sixth day I saw a familiar figure coming towards me among the prompt arrivals .
9 This programme comes to you from the University of Sussex .
10 When a car comes towards you in the dark , its lights seem to have spikes on .
11 At the same time , the sound of distant gunfire , explosions and shouting came to him on the night breeze , somewhere off his right and muffled by the intervening trees .
12 Agassi 's coach came to me with the rackets .
13 Since it was the golden-fleeced ram the king really wanted , he was not at all pleased when Marko came before him on the seventh day with a jug of sweet wine and a cluster of grapes in his handkerchief .
14 IBM came to them with the notion , the firm says .
15 As they came up , Meredith was surprised at the amount of body-heat coming from them in the low outside temperature .
16 Every sound , every movement , told her what he was doing … the shoes placed neatly side by side , the braces flicked down over his shoulders , the trousers carefully folded and laid across the back of the wicker chair , his footsteps coming to her over the creaking floorboards ; every sound , every movement … he was touching her now , warm , tickling , smooth , his naked body moving up and down against her , his voice in her ear , soft and loving , fingers probing , his mouth on hers ; the gasp of excitement when he entered her , jabbing , hard , growing excited .
17 Lightness and truth came to her with the wind 's speed .
18 When Christian left for London to begin his new life in the Methodist ministry , Seb took him to the railway station at Shipton-under-Wychwood in the farm 's gig and Carrie came with him for the ride .
19 A picture came to her of the shaggy wanderers huddling together in the bus shelter at the top of the road where she had been born and bred .
20 My arm was tingling , like it 's supposed to do when the Neptunians come at you through the undergrowth , foetal implants in hand .
21 The rest come to us through the Northern Real Ale Agency , a wholesaler based in Newcastle .
22 You can not rely on the right questions coming to you on the spur of the moment .
23 I love camping and do n't feel that anything can compare with waking up in the morning with the day just a few hours on from dawn , dew still on the grass , so that when you open the tent flap the smell of a new day comes to you with the early morning sun .
24 There were some hill-walkers with ice-axes coming towards us from the other side of the hill , and I was trying to look as though I meant to come hill-walking dressed like a hairdresser 's receptionist .
25 God longs for all people to come to him like the son returned to the father in the parable .
26 People came to us after the meeting , we met this lady and er she was really interested in our cause .
27 When word came to them of the Macleans , three galleys off the Rubha Aird Druimnich , they just sat and waited quietly for their enemies to arrive .
28 It worked ; the old man came with him into the junk-filled yard .
29 A moist breath of autumn and ripeness came to them through the open window .
30 ‘ The composer came to me with the piece , which had written with me in mind , ’ says Lin .
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