Example sentences of "[noun] who [vb base] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would be difficult indeed to argue against the T & g being allowed to merge into the G M B. This organization represents peoples who work in the same type of companies , very often within the same workplaces that we work .
2 It might be thought that the crime of incest which covers parties who consent in the legal sense should not extend further than serious acts of penetration .
3 The river draws many visitors who delight in the beautiful scenery , the majestic old corn mill , now a restaurant , and the fierce and powerful weir .
4 That the world is not divided into 2 classes of people — one who run private care for nasty reasons — and another group who work in the statutory service for all the good reasons , and that what we have to do is be prepared to step outside of those kinds of labelling and look at what we are seeing , look at the needs of the people we are trying to help make provision for and see what best can be done out of the resources available .
5 It also covers a number of those workers who appear in the self-employed statistics .
6 Are there some dogs who specialise in the slow going as it were , the heavy going ?
7 In addition , rates have been increased for the minority of our policyholders who live in the larger cities because of the soaring number of thefts there .
8 Suppliers may offer a trade discount to customers who work in the same business .
9 They are young people from each area who speak in the local language about important development issues , facilitate discussions and encourage villagers to come to their own conclusions through a series of interactive exercises .
10 at the same time , there are people who sit in the middle ground
11 it 's becoming aware that people who live in the inner cities are not bad .
12 The city tecnol technological college was given the right , has given the right of education , a quality of education undreamed of by a n by the people who live in the inner cities of , particularly the Asian population of opposed by the Labour Party , a Labour Party committed to scrapping and closing the C T C's and if they ca n't get
13 So is a i i it , it is a very thriving area , it is a very thriving shopping centre for the people who live in the immediate area .
14 The Chewong are a hunter-gatherer , shifting cultivating group of people who live in the tropical rain forest of the Malay Peninsula .
15 I have canvassed the views of my hon. Friend the Minister for Local Government and Inner Cities who is very European , and he assures me that people who live in the southern part of Spain were totally bemused to wake up one day and find themselves in an invented region called Andalusia with a different Government from than in Madrid .
16 The people who live in the same house or block of flats as you do .
17 Thereafter would it not be possible to from groups of say eight people who live in the same area to cope with the tea ?
18 Helen Martin , our chairperson said , ‘ The Heatfest weekend was so important to us as tenants because for the very first time , the people who live in the damp houses got the opportunity to sit round the table with the people who in the past were responsible for creating the kinds of conditions that we are now forced to live in and we could say , hey look !
19 I have found one must speak slowly to people who live in the back streets of London .
20 People who believe in the ancient chinese art of Chi-Dynamics say it 'll make you feel on top of the world .
21 And even in quite a wide area not perhaps the garden croquet players you would n't know about the people who play in the back garden but you know the people who play in tournaments .
22 He regards eight shillings a week for those in work as quite sufficient , even for a family with eight children , for after all people who work in the open air , a healthy life , do not require as much food as those in manufacturing districts .
23 The Ormesby Hall club , whose home games are played in the grounds of the National Trust property , is now in its fourth year and contrary to popular belief it 's not just old ladies and vicars who participate in the genteel Sunday afternoon pastime .
24 I myself feel that the cat and the dog who live in the same house with me are fellow members of my family circle , closer related to me socially than the human neighbour next door whom I know only by sight and name , and infinitely closer than some odd Brazilian or Melanesian , with whom my only connection is that we are fellow men .
25 The last Brownie to reach that place and any Brownies who run in the wrong direction are out of the game .
26 The payroll vote ( those members of the Government who sit in the two Houses ) , back-bench ambition , and the vigilance of the Whips ' Office ensure that executive will invariably prevails .
27 There are plenty of women in the world of gyms , aerobics and body conditioning who suffer in the same way .
28 And the nomads are not overlooked — Jordanian army officers try to bring a smattering of schooling to the children who live in the goat-hair tents .
29 In her letter she claims that because CTCs select their students and therefore ‘ turn away children who live in the same street as the school ’ parents have less choice .
30 Harsher penalties in particular could help foster a tough , ‘ macho ’ criminal self-image in the young men who predominate in the criminal statistics .
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