Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Police have praised the bravery of a teenage soldier who dragged himself from the wreckage of his car after being speared with a wooden stake .
2 This The Waste Land did , but when Eliot writes elsewhere that any modern poet who applied himself to the drama would be an extremely conscious poet , using the historical imagination , it is clear that around the time of The Waste Land he was also considering writing plays .
3 ‘ Women of middle class origins who found themselves at the beginning of their working lives unequipped to promote themselves within occupations which traditionally demanded either precise qualifications or highly developed aptitude ’ .
4 Of course , this is not all there is to life , and Hildamay finds true contentment by adopting a nine-year-old girl who introduces herself on the tube .
5 The god of Creation in Aboriginal legend ; known as Yulunggu , he appears as a rainbow snake who arches himself across the sky early in the rainy season .
6 As the superintendent cut her way through the herd of lunchtime drinkers , Dexter followed in her wake , like a driver who glues himself to the back of an ambulance careering through busy streets on an emergency call .
7 Even just the memories of 1988 Winter Olympics folk hero Eddie ‘ the Eagle ’ Edwards , the British ski jumper who put himself in the Calgary Games regardless of a lack of skill or training , made more of an impact with the American sporting public than super-fit and talented rugby players such as David Campese , Jeremy Guscott or Wade Dooley .
8 I do not believe that the Harrier pilots who found themselves in the Royal Naval Reserve will have the opportunity to fly either , but it is certainly useful to have them in the reserve should they be needed .
9 But Harris , who made 47 in the first innings and Puddle who promoted himself in the batting order had other ideas .
10 He has no morality , no God , no code of chivalry except service to a French King who sees himself as the new Charlemagne .
11 The military historian , James Lucas , who served in Tunisia as Keyes 's runner , remembered him as ‘ a gallant Christian gentleman who sacrificed himself for the men under his command ’ .
12 At a further press conference on Jan. 19 the opposition parties produced Maj. József Vegvari , an officer in the State Security Service who identified himself as the source of the leaked information , who alleged that reports compiled as a result of the surveillance operation had regularly been passed to senior HSP members and discussed at meetings of the Council of Ministers .
13 Will the Minister explain what he is going to say to the people of the Holloway area who find themselves in the unenviable position of having the jobcentre with the largest gap between the number of vacancies and the number of registered unemployed ?
14 Jane is a disgruntled , mean and worldly woman who presents herself as the victim of the men she sets out to attract and soon sees through and rejects .
15 People who hear themselves for the first time on a tape-recorder often find it hard to believe that the stranger talking is actually them .
16 team : high performance manager who achieves high work accomplishment through ‘ leading ’ committed people who identify themselves with the organisational aims .
17 ‘ The English are great lovers of themselves , and of everything belonging to them ’ , wrote the Venetian diplomat Andrea Trevisano at the end of the fifteenth century ; ‘ they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say that he ‘ looks like an Englishman' ’ and that ‘ it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishman ’ , words echoed exactly in 1521 by the Scottish scholar John Major ; while the German knight Nicolas von Popplau , who visited England in 1484 , found a people who regarded themselves as the wisest in the world .
18 I agree with him that they have an important role to play in a fully integrated service for mentally ill people , but the House would mislead itself if it believed that those mentally ill people who find themselves on the streets are drawn from those patients who have been discharged from long-term care in hospitals .
19 Brackley itself produced rather few people who impressed themselves on the historical record .
20 The people who removed themselves from the register to avoid paying the tax were unlikely to be Conservative voters ( although they were not necessarily pro-Labour either ) .
21 William Hurt is the medic of the title , an eminent surgeon who finds himself on the other edge of the scalpel when he becomes seriously ill .
22 In Romania , ‘ Socialism in One Family ’ meant rule by the Ceauşescus and Petrescus plus lesser client-families who attached themselves to the dynasty .
23 All praise was given to Dean Acheson , the conference chairman , for his handling of the ‘ Reds ’ ; and there were lurid tales told by a reporter who smuggled himself into the Soviets ' rented mansion disguised as a plumber ( ‘ socks and panties dangled … orange peels littered the floors … five to seven beds had been squeezed into every bedroom … ’ ) .
24 He brightened up , getting the glow of a man who feels himself on the verge of discharging a disagreeable responsibility .
25 The man who associated himself with the Imperial ideas , and who remains for ever identified with them , was Baron Haussmann .
26 Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters , however independent and tolerant he may be , write a fair-minded book about Pound ?
27 We should now be in a position to answer Herbert Schniedau 's question : ‘ Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters … write a fair-minded book about Pound ? ’
28 Was that the young man who killed himself at the station ?
29 It is , therefore , all the more important to round off this discussion of the privileging of the gaze by looking at the work of critics who positioned themselves outside the psychoanalytical framework .
30 Any members who find themselves in the Adelaide area can be assured of a warm welcome there .
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