Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 It would be difficult indeed to argue against the T & g being allowed to merge into the G M B. This organization represents peoples who work in the same type of companies , very often within the same workplaces that we work .
2 In the light of this fact it seems possible to suggest that those authors who subscribe to the former view do so because in later times it would have been only in the rarest of circumstances that one would have held the kadilik after the kazaskerlik .
3 Some of these stories were undoubtedly true — I definitely knew some lads who played in the same city of Leeds schoolboys team as him , etc .
4 I 've fallen for a boy who goes to the same school as me , but is two years younger than I am .
5 To George 's annoyance , everyone seems to be conspiring against his grandiose plans — especially the old lady who arrives on the same day as Tony Madoc .
6 Here was a fellow human , Canadian , and Montrealer who went to the same movies and read the same papers as you or I. 1 . )
7 Catherine and Donald Carswell were a husband and wife literary team who flourished at the same time as another pair , Willa and Edwin Muir .
8 ‘ I did n't know Alex well but you ca n't not know a lad who lives in the same street . ’
9 Secondly , to try to increase the validity of inter-racial comparison we decided to compare arrest rates of Black , Asian and White males who lived in the same small areas .
10 The Second Son had returned to the coast with his father in order to fly to Doha to see a friend who went to the same university in England .
11 Several families who lived in the same settlement decided to leave as a result of her behaviour , and others insisted that they would never go to live in the same place as her .
12 Suppliers may offer a trade discount to customers who work in the same business .
13 Members of an existing scheme prior to these dates who remain with the same employer should not be adversely affected by the change .
14 A teenager who lived in the same address returned and tried to call police after hearing the voice of the lodger and the man , said Charles Kellett , prosecuting .
15 She saw in her mind the woman who sat in the same seat day after day .
16 The people who live in the same house or block of flats as you do .
17 Thereafter would it not be possible to from groups of say eight people who live in the same area to cope with the tea ?
18 Each of these is regarded as part of the family , as are people who originated in the same village .
19 In this strange institution we did not even know all the people who worked in the same room as ourselves , as the action went on twenty-four hours a day , and we were on duty on varying shifts .
20 Here , inconsistency refers to conflicts within the evidence of one or more witnesses who speak to the same version of the facts .
21 I myself feel that the cat and the dog who live in the same house with me are fellow members of my family circle , closer related to me socially than the human neighbour next door whom I know only by sight and name , and infinitely closer than some odd Brazilian or Melanesian , with whom my only connection is that we are fellow men .
22 ‘ He was a very old man who worked in the same room as John Dyson and myself . ’
23 A DARLINGTON man who worked in the same menswear shop all his adult life has died at the age of 73 .
24 If a Muslim , she usually marries a cousin who lives in the same village so at least the surroundings are familiar to her ; but among Hindus and Sikhs the husband 's family nearly always live in a different village ( because a woman must marry outside her kin ) .
25 Behind the scenes the ‘ gals ’ whose fate will be determined by a male judging panel banter and bicker , in various states of undress , unaware that one of their number is a man with a mission to woo an unrequited love who works in the same supermarket and has also entered the contest .
26 There are plenty of women in the world of gyms , aerobics and body conditioning who suffer in the same way .
27 True , both the English and the Latin forms indicate he lived by the ash tree , but did they merely permit the taxatores to avoid confusing him with all the other Johns who lived in the same village ?
28 In her letter she claims that because CTCs select their students and therefore ‘ turn away children who live in the same street as the school ’ parents have less choice .
29 Their heroes reflect their psychological needs ; disappointed by the weak father , they not only look for a strong one but try to identify with men who fulfil at the same time infantile and sadistic fantasies , such as Che Guevara or Mao Tsetung …
30 From this cohort we selected homosexual men who seroconverted in the same study period as the drug users who seroconverted .
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