Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Parity expects to sell to end users and have the boxes rebranded by an integrator who sells into the petrochemical industry .
2 I detest Lourdes Ortiz who weeps for the incorruptible corpse of ‘ Guernica ’ seen one quiet Sunday in its mausoleum , with the endless queues of happy people when our democracy was still in the making , with the Casón as its banner .
3 The film is about a murdered rock musician who returns from the dead and , quoting lines from Edgar Allan Poe , seeks revenge .
4 On Aug. 26 Edward Lee Howard , a former US Central Investigations Agency ( CIA ) agent who defected to the Soviet Union in 1985 , was refused permission to settle in Sweden on the grounds that he was a security risk .
5 He succeeds Alejandro Figueroa Ventura who returns to the Dominican Republic as Director of Alfalit Dominicano .
6 Her mother 's friends , Lizzie Braithwaite and Maria Colclough and Ethel Lord were incensed by it , having used the act of sex all their wedded lives as something to bargain with , employing their very contempt for it as a punishment regularly meted out to husbands who lusted after the nasty performance far too much .
7 He was reckoned one of the islands ' best fishing guides , a man who could name his own price to the rich northerners who came to the blue waters to kill gamefish , but Bonefish believed that his family might stray from the path of righteousness if he spent too much time away from home so he restricted his guide work to just a few weeks of the year .
8 Nevertheless , some editors and journalists who suffered under the previous heavy press clamp-down are still practising self-censorship , fearing that intolerant government officials may continue to stifle their voices .
9 The journalists who worked for the popular newspapers were only concerned to please their readers , and the truth was irrelevant .
10 So each interviewer goes out hunting for informants who fit into the right boxes — or quotas .
11 They were concerned most , however , about one section of the mass audience and that was the hard-core army of regular adolescent film-goers who lived in the disorganized city centres , the so-called ‘ crowded section ’ .
12 It might be thought that the crime of incest which covers parties who consent in the legal sense should not extend further than serious acts of penetration .
13 The Labour and Conservative Parties who benefit from the present system have set their teeth against a change which would undermine their prospect of regularly forming a government on their own .
14 But unlike those Marxists who conceive of the mass media as no more than relay systems working on behalf of the dominant classes , some have forcefully argued that systems of maintenance and reproduction do not necessarily operate smoothly ; there are contradictions , there is social and political dissent and there is political struggle .
15 Candidates who began under the traditional system will complete their course under that system and so it will be 1995 before the old system — and the examinations which were a part of it — finally disappear .
16 It was a surprise because the candidates who emerged from the famous political machine put together by his late father ( also Richard Daley ) did poorly .
17 Many candidates who start at the bottom skip grades on the way up , or , perhaps because of pressure of other work , take more than a year between adjoining grades .
18 The gallery 's name ( ‘ yellow music ’ ) goes back to Wassily Kandinsky who wrote about the aggressive force of the ‘ sound ’ of the colour yellow which ‘ unsettles , and stings ’ .
19 A man called Jack O'Malley who served in the British Army in Flanders as a captain got his old uniform out , dressed up half a dozen of his men as soldiers and went to Limerick Prison with a fake order that said they wanted Fitzgerald at Dublin Castle . ’
20 The gathering was small but that did not diminish the effect of the occasion as two of only 12 remaining Scottish survivors — out of 500 Scots who fought on the republican side in the Spanish Civil War — gathered with district council representatives to pay their respects at a simple ceremony .
21 Among the casualties of Caedwalla 's attack on Wight were Arwald , king of the island , and his two young brothers who escaped to the opposite mainland where they were captured and put to death after Caedwalla had first allowed them to receive baptism .
22 But woe betide the culprit who trespasses on the wrong side of 50 .
23 Four Quartets offers an image of that " entity " , and the figure who appears in the Dantesque passage is a " familiar compound ghost " in whom Eliot suggested we might recognize Yeats , Mallarmé , Swift and Poe .
24 He wrote lines like : ‘ … whether they came with beards to shave or not , these are kids who react against the violent anti-Americanism of the New Left whom they far outnumber .
25 Requisitioned by the Home Office at the start of the Second World War the Manor provided accommodation for the Canadian Air Force who flew from the nearby air base of RAF Linton .
26 The Carlton Girls , one of the many Tiller troupes who worked on the exhausting cine-variety circuits
27 Infants and children from the age of 7 days to 36 months who presented to the paediatric casualty unit of the hospital with a history of cough and other symptoms of acute infection of the respiratory tract for less than seven days were eligible for inclusion in this study .
28 The river draws many visitors who delight in the beautiful scenery , the majestic old corn mill , now a restaurant , and the fierce and powerful weir .
29 If the great aristocracy was responsible for providing large contingents for the war ( and , in England , at least , it was they who , after the king , provided the largest ) the work of raising these soldiers was often done by men of local knowledge and influence who subcontracted with the royal captains to raise the troops required .
30 The judge had earlier given leave for Dr Odling-Smee to be called to give evidence for the defence in Lord Aldington 's libel action over allegations in a pamphlet that he is a war criminal responsible for the forced repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs who surrendered to the British in southern Austria in May 1945 .
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