Example sentences of "[noun] who had been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We had a horse who had been broken with the wrong sized bit when his teeth needed attention and under a saddle with a broken tree which rubbed his back .
2 Bosch , who had moderated his left-wing image to present himself as the defender of the small and medium businessman in the face of state bureaucracy and corruption , still retained the appeal of the reformer who had been ousted from office by the military in 1963 and by the invasion of US troops in 1965 .
3 On Oct. 26 , 1989 , the House of Representatives fulfilled a commitment made in 1988 [ see p. 37081 ] when they voted that $20,000 should be paid to each of 62,000 Japanese-Americans who had been interned during the Second World War .
4 It may well be that he took the place of Thomas Hitchcock who had been apprenticed to the same master nine years previously .
5 Well , I have practised yoga for many years , but then I met a Jesuit priest who had been sent to the Far East by the Catholic Church to experience the Buddhist way and see how it might relate to Catholic worship .
6 For Mordecai it was a symbolic birthplace , for he was a direct descendant from one of the millions of Jews who had been evacuated from the Middle East in 1990 .
7 Even Jews who had been released from concentration camps on strict condition that they left the Fatherland immediately were obliged to pay for the round trip .
8 The journalists who had been hired by him were based in Manchester .
9 Frank Reed , the US director of the Lebanese International College who had been kidnapped in Beirut in September 1986 [ see p. 35023 ] , was released into Syrian custody in West Beirut on April 30 .
10 In a significant break with his predecessor , Mr Major offered junior and middle-ranking ministerial posts to several senior backbenchers who had been overlooked by Mrs Thatcher or had been kept out of her government .
11 Henri Nallet , then French Agriculture Minister , apologized to his UK counterpart , John Gummer , at a meeting in Brussels on Sept. 24 and assured him that lorry drivers who had been attacked in France would be compensated .
12 The secretary-general of the Council of Guardians , Ayatollah Rezvani , told Iranian television on May 7 that of candidates who had been disqualified in the pre-election screening , some 80 per cent had been rejected by the executive committees and some 20 per cent by the Council of Guardians itself .
13 With two daughters of her own , Greta expanded her family by taking in the son of a German socialist who had been sent to a concentration camp , and a Viennese boy who adopted her name by deed poll .
14 Bobby who had been sitting by me .
15 It would not do to exalt a figure who had been executed by the Romans for crimes against the Empire .
16 As Sara leaned over the gate , a slight figure who had been obscured behind them began walking towards her along the hedge .
17 What Athens and Corinth had in common was perhaps the immigrant craftsmen who had been drawn to the cities in the salad days of their respective tyrannies .
18 They were three US citizens and one Australian who had been travelling together in a car , and one UK citizen who had been taken off a bus .
19 In Brown v Rentokil Ltd [ 1992 ] 453 IRLIB 4 , the EAT ruled that an employee who had been dismissed in accordance with sickness absence rules when she was away from work because of pregnancy-related illness , was not discriminated against .
20 Similarly , in Moore v Central Electricity Generating Board , 1974 IRLR 296 — the facts of which may cause those interested in civil liberties some concern — an employee who had been held in custody for one month pending trial was dismissed after being convicted not of the original charge preferred but of related offences .
21 The Times of India reported the case of a striptease artiste in the coastal resort of Goa who had been sued by the management of the five-star Hotel Kalimpong , when she refused to undress during her performance at the hotel restaurant one evening .
22 James Curran , the left-wing media intellectual who had been advising on market research , leaked his involvement to Tribune , the established semi-official paper of the traditional Labour left .
23 Among changes to the Council of State Secretaries [ see p. 38994 for previous government changes ] Mohammed Lamin Kamara became Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs , replacing Ahmed Ramadan — Dumbuya who had been dismissed on Oct. 30 , .
24 The distinction is not always easy to keep in mind : Lord Denning , Britain 's most experienced judge in defamation cases , published a book in which he criticised a jury in Bristol for acquitting defendants who had been charged with rioting .
25 Of the five men commemorated by name , two were royal administrators who had been drawn into Gloucester 's orbit by his activity in Wales .
26 Of the five men commemorated by name , two were royal administrators who had been drawn into Gloucester 's orbit by his activity in Wales .
27 Lord Aldington was asked what he knew about the Yugoslavs who had been repatriated by the British Eight Army 's V Corps while he was chief of staff to its commander , General Sir Charles Keightley .
28 Mortimer was a Marcher lord and a Contrariant who had been imprisoned in the Tower and threatened with death ; he escaped to Paris in 1323 where he became the centre of a group of exiles and fugitives .
29 ‘ These people had been fighting against their own country , against Marshal Tito who had been recognised as an ally by the British Government , ’ Lord Aldington said .
30 At the instance of the King , Parliament passed an Act decreeing that all ministers in Scotland who had been ordained since 1649 must have their appointments confirmed by the bishop of their diocese .
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