Example sentences of "[noun] who have [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our apologies to all our readers who have been struggling with this .
2 Well I think there 's a difficulty here because I think one of the questions is a matter of perspective erm how do you define how you define what sexual harassment is is to an extent a factor of your perspective on the question in that I think that tutors who have been thinking about it in recent years , and women tutors , who have taken the lead in it , have tended to think about the implications from the institutional perspective , that is how do tutors behave to their students and in what ways may that affect students ' studies and their live in the college .
3 In addition , many governments have extended legislation to other areas , for example , laws which permit police to use a breathalyser test to detect and detain drivers who have been drinking in excess of the alcohol limit .
4 Bobby who had been sitting by me .
5 THE thousands of Welsh supporters who have been pouring into the Edinburgh area for the past two days are well catered for if they want to sample club rugby before tomorrow 's Royal Bank international , writes Harry Pincott .
6 A number of his fellow Cheshires who have been serving in war-torn Bosnia were also honoured for their gallantry .
7 James Curran , the left-wing media intellectual who had been advising on market research , leaked his involvement to Tribune , the established semi-official paper of the traditional Labour left .
8 DANCE fans in Warrington who have been going to the Groover night at Mr Smith 's club now have a two-in-one dance night instead .
9 ( Widowed woman receiving ( then ) supplementary benefit who had been caring for her frail mother for ten years )
10 Eve had n't known that Birdie Mac who ran the sweet shop had a man from Ballylee who had been calling for fifteen years , but she would n't leave her old mother and the man from Ballylee would n't come to Knockglen .
11 The police constable who had been hammering on the door was allowed to come in .
12 ‘ This verse described a boy who had been trembling in front of the bathroom door , but at the same time this boy was swallowed up by the verse ; it surmounted and survived him .
13 They had been called out to a little boy who had been playing behind the family car when his father had reversed it out of the garage .
14 The bodies have not yet been identified , but it 's thought they 're Linda Bohlen and Stefan Mohr who 've been missing since the end of September .
15 Three Swedish engineers who had been working in Kuwait received seven-year sentences on Sept. 20 after also being accused of illegal entry .
16 YORK IS preparing to repel a band of gypsies who have been travelling to the city for centuries .
17 She pointed to an 11-year-old girl who had been hovering in the doorway since I arrived .
18 Cheeks , a gaudy girl who had been riding with the ‘ pomps for the last few months , was literally crushed flat into the road , dead eyes staring from a foot-wide face .
19 The other girl who had been talking to Blake walked over to the Doctor .
20 Police in Lothian are increasingly concerned about the safety of a fifteen year old girl who 's been missing for ten days .
21 These ‘ environmentally-friendly ’ studios will be funded by a grant from the Kress Foundation and will be co-ordinated by the Swiss conservator Luca Bonetti who has been working on the design with the Italian team of Mario and Dario Bellini .
22 Philip Jones Griffiths , a Magnum photographer who has been going to Vietnam for 23 years , say , s ‘ We used to joke that you can take the photographer out of Vietnam but not Vietnam out of the photographer ’ .
23 They proposed getting rid of the philistines found along Wardour Street , London 's Film Row , wiping out the middle-class personnel who had been creeping into the director 's chair , or introducing a bunch of amateurs into the business .
24 Even one would be good enough for there are riders who have been racing for years and have never gone well here . ’
25 Essentially those who felt themselves to be excluded from power decided to support a perfectly plausible claimant to the throne who had been waiting on the sidelines for such a following to materialize .
26 The accident on the westbound carriageway was witnessed by members of the Faslane protest camp who had been demonstrating against the convoy .
27 In the absence of anyone more nearly related I had been designated next-of-kin , and now I wrote to the Court of Protection who had been dealing with her affairs , asking what my responsibilities would be if she died .
28 A practical outcome from this incident was a new pair of deck shoes for Marty who had been campaigning for a replacement from Stores Branch for some time .
29 Or was he merely seeking to confuse people in the West who have been calling for military intervention ?
30 Thinking fatigue had got the better of his tired mind , Jack Hayden did not worry unduly until the following Monday morning when a porter who had been working on the station Platform came to the mess room and saw a strange figure looking at Mr Hayden .
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