Example sentences of "[noun] if it [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He will be able to declare a ballot void if it appears third parties have interfered by voting when not entitled to do so , tampering with ballot papers , interfering with voters or exerting undue influence .
2 I hate to think what effect it would have on our deficit if it included realistic costings of the value of their time .
3 What does a claimant do then they 've got no money then for six weeks if it takes six weeks .
4 Outside , the Chelsea Pensioner pub would have have been doing good business if it had any drinks to sell , but it was purely decorative ; part of garden by Hereford Wyevale Garden Centre called the outer sanctum which won a silver-gilt medal .
5 It does not cover the dismissal by the vendor prior to the sale for the reason that the purchaser will either not buy the business if it contains certain employees or alternatively will pay a lower price ( see Wheeler v Patel [ 1987 ] ICR 631 ) .
6 The guidelines make it clear it is council policy not to permit golf development if it involves new buildings or associated development in the open countryside , and is unrelated to existing settlements .
7 The proposed shoe factory , for example , would make a return on capital of around 15% if it sold running shoes for 1,000 roubles a pair .
8 This means that the Bank of England can not be sure of success if it uses open-market operations to expand the money supply .
9 A water authority will , therefore , be in breach of its statutory duty if it permits obnoxious odours , which amount to a nuisance at common law , to emanate either from its sewage disposal works , or due to any recycling of treated or untreated sewage sludge on to farm land , and it is open to a local authority or person aggrieved , in the absence of informal agreement perhaps via a Liaison Committee , to seek an injunction to restrain the water authority from causing the nuisance .
10 There are 98 ways that a quark can travel between two points if it interacts three times with gluons .
11 The Commission is only likely to open proceedings if it has serious concerns about the impact of the merger on competition in the EC .
12 Although few have the physical strength to repel their attackers , even a relatively feeble animal can deter aggressors if it has chemical weapons .
13 The Brewers ' Society contended that arrangements with their outlets fell within the block exemption of exclusive purchasing agreements 1984/83 , and therefore that the UK would be in breach of its obligations under the Treaty of Rome if it prohibited such arrangements .
14 ‘ This trio only has long-term chances of survival if it uses all chances to work together to get the best results , ’ he said .
15 In his refreshing book Mr Veseth looks at Victorian Britain , which improved on Florence 's commercial ideas , particularly public debt , and also went into decline ; and at present-day America , which is deeply in debt but might , he argues , avoid decline if it takes brave decisions .
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