Example sentences of "[noun] if [pers pn] [verb] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 There were lots of hopefuls who would have been journalists if they had pursued a career , or who now wanted to learn .
2 There was another story about a blind mother , whose son did not return after the battle ; she wept when he did not return , and asked the survivors if they had seen a young and lovely boy lying slain , dressed in delicately embroidered garments of fine silk , and the survivors said No , they had seen no boy , but they had seen a great bearded man dead , and he had worn tied about his waist strange garments , torn and faded and old , which had once been embroidered with flowers .
3 It 's entirely your own fault if you chose to stage a lie-in in your cabin .
4 ‘ I sometimes use an ambient mic on guitars , but I find that it can make things sound a bit too boxy and I 'd rather have the choice on the mix if I want to add a bit of ambience .
5 There is , as yet , no system in operation which allows your competence to be assessed to a national standard , and it will be left to the discretion of your service manager , and course tutors if you have undertaken a back to nursing course , to decide whether you are ready to return , or what additional guidance or preparation you may need to bring you up to the required standard .
6 Blimey , no , it was a luxury if you 'd got a washer then .
7 And that would have been an awful loss if you had lost a a a a ham .
8 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he plans to meet a delegation of members of the campaign for Clydeside against pollution .
9 It was well received , and we plan to run some more and invite people who were on that session if they wanted to play a similar role .
10 Oh well that th that 's a pity if he 's got a a a thing for drawing , he wants to go in for
11 Obviously you 've slept with a bloke if you 've got a baby .
12 Write to F1 for Help if you 've got a problem with your software , hardware or peripherals that you want sorting out .
13 Write to F1 for Help if you 've got a problem with your software , hardware or peripherals that you want sorting out .
14 Once you 've stopped dieting your periods will return , but you may need a little help if you want to have a baby … ‘
15 When you heard me I was imagining a process whereby you 'd have a strategic sites policy in the structure plan which would enable a local authority in preparing its local plan if it wished to identify a strategic site and that would then become in the local plan , you know subject to all those consultation processes , and then it 's part of the portfolio that is available in the published arena with a statutory framework behind it .
16 Anybody interested in going to the theatre from tonight onwards a member of the G M B if they 've produced a ticket , you 'll get it for half price at the King 's Theatre .
17 ‘ How would you like to have to ask for a penny to buy a stamp if you wanted to write a letter ? ’ she would ask .
18 My motive is owing to no dislike I have for him but methinks it would reflect a little upon my Pamela if she had married a man for his estate when she had rather have had another .
19 Jump onto the lift to your right , then on the second lift , and finally onto a platform ( watch out for the bare wires ) , climb down the site of this second building if you wish to collect a couple of records , but it 's quicker and safer to climb up the purple wall above you and climb the four ladders , grab the crate and jump onto the platform on your left , kill the mugger , climb the ladder and grab another crate , climb another ladder , then another kill the workman in the process , run across to the right , jump before you touch the wire and you should land on the next platform .
20 I thought Tom might have a whisky if he 's got a
21 That was reassuring in itself — the Irishman had a highly sensitive nose for coppers ; he would n't have touched the coins if he had caught a whiff of police involvement .
22 A tribunal must make a compensatory award if it has made a basic award .
23 You 'll need to spread your talents if you hope to make a living from writing and I 'd recommend reading Thirty Ways to Make Money From Writing by Jennie Hawthorne ( Rosters , £4.95 ) which covers markets as diverse as working for the trade press , humour and writing for children .
24 Pouring out of thanks for the young Timothy who spent the time in prayer if you wish to say a short simple prayer of thanks do so end it thank you God and we 'll all join in thank you God .
25 Well they can certainly offer you a repair , and of course if you wish to have a repair done that 's entirely up to you .
26 ‘ Of course if you wish to make a voluntary statement you can come along to my Incident Room at some time to suit yourself .
27 Totally negative approach , of course if you start to do a programme which we have n't been involved in some mistakes will be made but we should be positive and look forward to see how we can avoid the mistake we 've been making in the future .
28 and of course if you want to include a small element this year a greater element would be for the new open plan .
29 They would happily ask for permission if they intended to organise a big march through a major city .
30 You will also need planning permission if you have to create a new access to your property from a classified road , and if you do , you 'll need the consent of the local highways authority to cross a footpath or verge to reach it .
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