Example sentences of "[noun] if [pron] [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For example , we believe as a group that we can only survive in our chosen business of the chemical industry if we serve the customers who are at the leading edge of development , wherever they may be .
2 It sounds more like a good meal , indeed one 's lips were watering , as I suppose would one 's eyes if one saw the prices !
3 In her second album , which takes a sensibly modest manifesto for its title , the mix is as before ; you will hear all the tracks over the next few months if you follow the charts .
4 ‘ There were also leaks to the Scottish newspapers spreading the rumour that I would lose the chairmanship of the Scottish Affairs Committee if I defied the Whips .
5 Sometimes councils are reluctant to designate conservation areas if they feel the residents will object , but on the whole this is unlikely .
6 A SIII bonnet will fit a SII if you change the hinges .
7 The equally earnest Anglo-French Declaration of 1918 promising the Arabs of former Ottoman colonies their independence if they supported the Allies against the Turks fell into much the same category , although it was not a promise that was intended to be kept .
8 One has a duty to uphold and support authorities if they meet the conditions of the service conception as explained above .
9 I ask one of the pickets if he supports the Democrats .
10 Would we be able to do erm , just a sort of support ones and D T P if we got the masters from Monica as a standard responsibility .
11 Where the company is a parent or subsidiary undertaking or where the total directors ' emoluments ( including pension contributions ) is £60,000 or more , the following should be disclosed : emoluments of chairman emoluments of highest paid director if they exceed the emoluments of the chairman the number of directors whose emoluments fall within rising bands of £5,000 .
12 You may apply for a job in the next grade if you meet the requirements stated in the job advertisement .
13 The obscurity of parts of scripture was also a source of embarrassment if one took the books collectively to be the essential medium of divine revelation ; but that could be mitigated by allegory , or by the principle that obscure texts are interpreted by what is clear .
14 I 'm getting out for a pee in a minute , so I 'll get one out of the Land Rover if you throw the keys . ’
15 It would n't be too difficult to restretch your canvas if you removed the staples and tacks and just reset the stretched frame .
16 At one time , the officers if they saw the girls soliciting , used to arrest them , bring them to a police station , they 're finger print , photographed and dealt with .
17 Many knitters worry about damaging their machines if they break the rules , but so long as you allow the machine to guide you , you should n't damage it .
18 The Penal Notice contained in the N 117 for undertakings states : you may be sent to prison for contempt of court if you break the promises that you have given to the court .
19 Erm tables if you learn the tables it 's a lot easier .
20 Thus , employers are acting within their contractual rights if they require the employees to move .
21 Erm I think we ought to make a pact not to blame each other if we copy the answers on th kind of thing
22 ‘ But how are we ever going to listen to each other if we hold the views that we have about each other , and if we talk the way we talk to each other the way we do in the cases ? ’
23 The Stage I V8 was fitted with restrictors behind the carbs to ‘ strangle ’ the power down to comply with type approval regulations If you remove the carbs you will see behind them the restrictor ‘ plug ’ with three smaller holes in it Sometimes they pull out and sometimes they need breaking up with a chisel ( after removing the manifold ) This will give you quite a considerable increase in power , so watch the roadholding !
24 What prospect has the prisoner of redress if he abandons the complaints procedure and applies to the courts ?
25 Improvements and fixtures If you leave the premises you may be entitled to compensation for improvements made by you .
26 They thought it over and suggested a percentage to the labourer if he provided the baskets and made the sale .
27 The generators will face heavy fines if they breach the terms of the licences , which allow them to produce a maximum of nearly 800,000 tons of oxides and nitrogen and 1.9 million tons of sulphur dioxide in the next year .
28 So did you ask Tracey if she had the results ?
29 National capital aids are not eligible for EEC reimbursement if they exceed the levels permitted under Article 4.2. except for certain grants ( including those for land improvement or for the protection/improvement of the environment ) .
30 Suffice it to say that the cross-sectional survey is not well attuned to handling processes , but this is a much more serious matter if one abandons the assumptions of symmetry and reversibility .
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