Example sentences of "[noun] can be [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A suggestive thing about it is that action can be measured in units of Planck 's constant h .
2 In addition , ‘ lark ’ and ‘ owl ’ characteristics can be created by circumstances .
3 A thin metal ‘ telescope ’ , lubricated on the outside , is inserted into the urethra and by means of a light-source at its tip , the inside of the urethra can be examined for cysts , warts , herpetic ulcers , or infected urethral glands .
4 Measurements of cell proliferation can be used as biomarkers of preneoplastic change .
5 This assumption means that peoples can be analysed in ways comparable to those used with individuals , for the gulf between individual and group psychology is bridged by the survival of memory traces : ‘ … men have always known ( in this special way ) that they once possessed a primal father and killed him ’ .
6 The identity of a horse can be preserved through changes of matter ; it does not depend on the identity of a continued material substance , but on ‘ the unity of one continued life ’ .
7 Early carrots can be sown under cloches and frames .
8 Panel lists can be found at Citizens Advice Bureaux , at Magistrates Courts and also in the Solicitors regional Directory .
9 Although homoeopathic remedies can be purchased in shops without prescription , this book is not intended to be a ‘ D.I.Y .
10 Sticks or twigs can be used for poles , and ‘ chains ’ or necklaces suspended from ‘ pole ’ to ‘ pole ’ .
11 We suggest that such a characterisation can be developed in terms of a topic framework .
12 It is this consideration which leads directly to the way that social representation theorists conceive of the process of anchoring , and the need to widen this conception , so that everyday thinking can be understood in terms of opposing psychological processes .
13 A similar experiment showed that Phoma spores can be transferred from tubers to soil on potato graders , and from there to other tubers during grading .
14 You will , I am sure , appreciate that now that the contract for the Ski Centre is subject to Competitive Tender , only commercially sound concessions can be offered to groups such as the Scottish Universities .
15 This itself may lead to fewer people being employed , unless the programme can be accompanied by industries gaining an increased market share of both home and export markets .
16 Earlier we saw that the images of the mind can be collected into schemata .
17 Patterns of Ministry to my mind can be interpreted as patterns of sharing and partnership is active and not fussy .
18 Seeming contradictions can be explained in situations where conservation policies may be drawn up in some areas ( perhaps financed by foreign aid , and attached to prestigious foreign fellowships and enhanced salaries for senior officials ) — but in a neighbouring area a carte-blanche logging contract is offered to a transnational company .
19 The form of signals can be understood in terms of the medium in which they are transmitted , their ancestry , and the process called ritualization by which they evolve from their ancestral form into signals .
20 A set of pictures can be hung from ribbons or cords — for example , a set of two or three miniature ovals can be hung down a length of ribbon , with a velvet or silk bow positioned at the top of the strip .
21 A number of semi-regular variables can be followed with binoculars ; R Lyræ and W Cygni , for example .
22 Even the principle that struts should be shorter and stouter than ties can be applied to lines .
23 Individual heating appliances such as gas convectors can be controlled by thermostats and time switches just as effectively as a central heating system , and will obviously cost less to install .
24 More informal guidance can be found in books with a personal approach , in which class the Companion Guide to Rome by Georgina Masson is exemplary ( first published in 1965 ) .
25 Further discussion of these various methods can be found in Sparks and West ( 1971 ) .
26 Pump housings can be covered with slabs that double as stepping stones , or stands for Bonsai , while the decking over a gravity-fed filter chamber can be painted in the traditional red and black of a tea-house balcony or simple bridge .
27 The following equation can be derived from equations ( 9 ) and ( 7 ) in the same way that equation ( 8 ) was derived from equations ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) : Osmosis is the passage of a solvent through a membrane from a dilute solution or the solvent itself into a concentrated solution .
28 All local four-vectors at the same event in space–time can be expressed in terms of the same set of basis vectors .
29 In terms of habitats frequented by birds ( apart from the urban areas ) the coastlands can be divided into cliffs , estuaries , river mouths and tidal flats , shingle and dune areas , and coastal levels .
30 Light can be described in terms both of waves and of particles .
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