Example sentences of "[noun] as [conj] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where an officer of government in the exercise of his office obtains payment of moneys as and for a charge which the law enables him to demand and enforce , such moneys may be recovered back from him if it should afterwards turn out that they were not legally payable even though no protest was made or question raised at the time of payment .
2 Kate watched her mother and Patrick as if in a trance .
3 She watched her mother walk out of the kitchen as if in a trance and a few seconds later Carla was nestled in her granny 's arms .
4 Vic Wilcox scuttled into the Directors ' Lavatory as if into a place of sanctuary .
5 The marble block was then set into the wall of the family tomb , so the occupants appeared to be gazing at passers-by as if from a window .
6 She accepted the farewells of her parents and brothers as if in a dream : her real self seemed to hold aloof from the tearful embraces of her mother , the kisses of her brothers , and her father 's last loving hug before she stepped into the boat to be rowed out across the harbour .
7 He turned , surveying the scene as if in a daze .
8 Time froze and events unrolled before Meredith 's horror-struck gaze as if in a slow-motion and silent film .
9 Dulé took the centre of the ring , a finger drum began to pitter-pat , a pair of flutes at different pitches to call and coo ; at the click of a rattle Dulé lifted the ten-foot ladder into a vertical position and balanced it at arm 's length ; facing it , he dropped his head as if to a partner in a dance , placed one foot on the bottom rung and made a feint at climbing , the ladder pitched away from him and he let it fall , to rising laughter from the audience around him .
10 That way , by walking between the long tables as if on a tour of inspection , they could view the prospects without embarrassment .
11 The cab swerved into the Place de la Concorde , she felt them whirling as they joined the vortex round the obelisk as if in a fairground swing as it lifts and spins .
12 During the active growing season , prepare the rooting area as if for a seedbed and scope out a gentle dip in which the branch will lie comfortably .
13 One of the most beautiful uses of pas de bourrée courus is when Ashton places his danseuse in her partner 's arms as she floats over the surface of the floor as if in a dream like ecstasy .
14 Robyn heard Luke 's voice as if from a distance , deep and unexpectedly showing a trace of concern .
15 They were saved , of course , by the Mastodon , ‘ rowing as if in a race ’ , just in time for a grand battle between Swallows , Amazons and Eels , and a corroboree of triumph .
16 It was n't many months ago that she had been offended by his exploring fingers , but tonight she had given her breast to his hand as if to a baby .
17 It juddered again , twisted … and fell from the wall on to the tiled floor ; severed clean at the ankle as if with a butcher 's knife .
18 She looked around the vestibule , suddenly aware that this room where she ate a brioche and drank milky coffee as if at a feast of the gods on those mornings when she managed to get up in time was a mere dingy parlour , the curtains grey with city smuts , the tables pocked and charred by cigarettes .
19 As I write , I can think of a couple of billboard posters that make no attempt to conceal their debt to the Belgian fantasist : a Silk Cut advertisement , which discards the regular purple silk motif in favour of a neutral cream back ground on which are set the letters P U R P L and E , snipped from some newspaper 's headlines as if by a poison pen writer ; and another whose legend , ‘ I did n't know that Air France had more flights to Paris than any other airline company ’ , is illustrated by the portrait of a man whose face is obscured by a fried egg .
20 Yet the living results of natural selection overwhelmingly impress us with the appearance of design as if by a master watchmaker , impress us with the illusion of design and planning .
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