Example sentences of "[noun] go on in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sebastian went on in the same vein for quite some minutes .
2 there is some change going on in the rural economy and perhaps he does want to interpret it as er a revolution which the communists can actually get involved in so he 's writing his paper and saying look , this is happening it may not be a rel revolution , but it
3 Back in time for our encore at Wembley ( well , after six nights , you do tend to get a bit lax , and anyway , the tapes went on in the right order and the dry ice was great ) .
4 of CCA comments , ‘ I do not think that this experiment is going to substitute and take the place of several experiments going on in the Third World .
5 The other programme was the field theory initiated by Faraday , according to which electrical phenomena can be explained in terms of actions going on in the medium surrounding electrified bodies and electric circuits , rather than in terms of the behaviour of a substance within them .
6 Lights went on in the darkened boardroom .
7 In the Mala Strana , the secretaries and the artists , the nurses and the busmen return to their apartments , the lights go on in the high windows , the courtyard below us is filling up with the smells of food and voices discussing — what ?
8 And much the same process of intensification at the edges goes on in The Spanish Gardener ( 1956 ) , where another little boy is prevented by his possessive and emotionally repressed father from developing his relationship with a gardener .
9 There was even the same poker game going on in the back room , a game I could n't get in on but which I could glimpse every time the same barmaid took refills through .
10 Yet hoards found elsewhere — in Scandinavia and in northern Britain , for instance , where no such royal controls operated — show that there was plenty of " international " trade going on in the ninth century .
11 These activities went on in the Great Workshop , where the looms were installed .
12 He 'd seen a bit of that kind of thing going on in the last hospital he was in .
13 Two minor ‘ quakes shook Yokohama during our conference — as if there were not enough earth-moving activity going on in the plenary sessions !
14 Who knew what strange rites went on in the savage mountains beyond Tirana , what musical instruments they played , where mad King Zog had ruled .
15 ‘ You should see the party going on in the forward dome car .
16 Taipei itself looked beautiful from the high balcony on which she and Florian stood , by night a glittering bowl from which the hum and roar of its mind-numbing traffic rose to compete with the sounds of the party going on in the large room behind them .
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