Example sentences of "[noun] can [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Walkers ca n't resist the call of the Cairngorms .
2 If you 've got carbon monoxide poisoning one of the problems is that your blood ca n't carry the oxygen because the red blood cells are being put out of action by the carbon monoxide .
3 And books ca n't feed the hunger of a soul in need of a larger sense of purpose .
4 Sun expects Dragon to plough through the logjam holding back diffident customers from committing to Unix because pricey Unix servers ca n't handle the load .
5 ‘ Put it over the wheat-rick , so the wind ca n't blow the flames from the hay-rick on to it !
6 No particular religion can ever embody the perfection of Religion or lay claim to a monopoly of Truth .
7 But as we have no words by which to recall those former sensations except the very word which we seek to define , or some other which , being exactly synonymous with it , requires definition as much , words can not unfold the signification of this class of names ; and we are obliged to make a direct appeal to the personal experience of the individual whom we address .
8 Words can not express the sadness of seeing a teenager who looks barely older than a young child suffering from severe malnutrition , but there are the wonderful moments such as a child who suffered tremendous burns after a candle fell and set fire to her night-dress ; after months of careful dressing and cleaning her wounds have virtually healed — without the clinic the little girl would almost certainly have died .
9 Orthographically irregular words can not use the GPC route , and will fail by the analogy route if there is a mismatch between the regularity of the word and its associate ( if you do n't know how to pronounce " have " , you should n't try matching it with " save " ) .
10 Words can not describe the kind of person who would do a thing like this .
11 This test ( Fenn 1979 ) was designed to determine whether a child who is able to understand single words can also understand the relationships which are expressed by different forms of word order .
12 The alteration of stress on certain words can completely change the meaning of a phrase or sentence .
13 A statement from R U C headquarters tonight says that no words can fully convey the feeling of the force and all decent people at the manner of the murder .
14 However , a contextually prominent action can not justify the use of a surface anaphor , such as I did , yesterday .
15 Although their pulses can not penetrate the surface of the water , they reveal the tell-tale ripples of swimming fish .
16 Walkers can also extend the excursion by continuing from Heiligenschwendi downhill in a southerly direction on the edge of the woods to Oberhofen on the lakeside ( approximately 40 minutes ) .
17 It has been argued that it is the individual not the institution who is creative and that the schools can only adopt the ideas of individuals .
18 And the notion of generalization decrement can also explain the effects of prior exposure to B alone if it is allowed that such training will make the B stimulus less effective and thus relatively unlikely to interfere with the perception of A when the two are presented in compound .
19 If the plaintiff chooses ( c ) , the defendant can not satisfy the judgment by returning the goods .
20 That ‘ inwardness ’ so prized by some English readers , and characteristically found by them ( implausibly ) in Lawrence , is an attention directed so far ‘ inward , that it can never come to the surface for long enough to notice how the sunlight breaks upon the edges and volumes of a piece of sculpture ; and that is why indeed such readers can not use the word ‘ aesthetic ’ except ‘ in a limiting sense ’ .
21 Calling in Sir Bernard Tomlinson to throw together a salvage package as market forces take their toll can not replace the well resourced , experimentally oriented planning apparatus so vital to the long term health and development of a real national health service .
22 In this post-welfare state , travellers are reminded of their duty to give up their seat to old ladies by a designated seat , post offices can not trust the customers to queue so they erect mazes through which one must wind before being served .
23 It seems that the atheist can never disprove the existence of a God that theists admit to believing in .
24 You may not notice this , as there is always a clearance between these magnets and the needles , but this obstruction can just touch the needles and cause slight grating .
25 It is possible that epinephrine can only temporarily stop bleeding and keep vessel existent , while a sclerosing agent can actually clot the vessel , and thereby decrease rebleeding .
26 Social closure can then imply the capacity a class has to defend its interests ( as for the upper class ) or a condition of being ‘ enclosed ’ disadvantageously ( as for the working class ) .
27 You see , your subconscious mind can not tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined ; so , although the information it had received during those twelve days was in fact a product of Sylvia 's imagination , the effect on her subconscious was precisely the same as if it had been actual experience .
28 The study comes in the wake of preliminary work with red-legged partridges which showed that a mixture of pesticides can greatly increase the dangers of a any single chemical .
29 The classy Irish defender can already picture the season building to a climax with Aston Villa and United slugging it out for the Championship .
30 A time switch can accurately control the photoperiod .
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