Example sentences of "[noun] can [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And even Rebecca can stay in for about twenty , twenty five minutes .
2 Rose bushes can go in between now and March .
3 Lunch-times can go on for ever if you have no friends and no one invites you to join in with what they are doing .
4 Biases can creep in in extremely subtle ways , and researchers can , quite unconsciously , favour some groups and disfavour others .
5 Which means that the acid can get back in there .
6 Netting can catch up in virtually everything .
7 When researchers look at schooling from the point of view of girls , it is perhaps not surprising that writers as diverse as Alison Kelly and Valerie Walkerdine can come up with very similar findings .
8 I believe it 's going to be a lot more difficult at the lower end of the scale unless the new Football League can come up with really competitive sponsors and TV agreements . ’
9 They are ‘ normal events ’ , arising almost naturally out of the circumstances of the employment relationship itself : ‘ A wildcat can break out in perfectly normal conditions , and the structure of the relations between employers , trade unions , governments and workers guarantees that some strikes will grow from small beginnings into mighty struggles ’ ( p.241 ) .
10 Sometimes rehearsals can go on till about seven thirty or something , then Alex wants to do a rehearsal .
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