Example sentences of "[noun] would not [vb infin] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Instinctively , she understood that Ceauşescu would not want a standard architect 's model made from cheap materials with only general hints at the building 's style and decoration .
2 Implied terms underpin the law of challenge to experts ' decisions , because some basic terms are not spelled out : namely , that the parties would not accept a final decision intended to have binding effect when that decision was vitiated by dishonesty , partiality or mistake .
3 Managing director Kevin Eakin said that while the half percentage point cut would not have a dramatic effect , it was part of a series of cuts all in the right direction .
4 After all , the chairman of a transport conglomerate which had tipped hundreds of thousands into party funds would not thank a prime minister who gave him the same reward as a Blackpool entertainer .
5 The reason Jake had had a change of heart was because he had finally realised for himself that Janice would not make a good mother for Kirsty , and that Shiona , on the other hand , would .
6 The outcome of the strike and its immediate consequences was that for almost the first time many people , including politicians in the Republic , who had previously been unconvinced were now satisfied that the majority of people in Northern Ireland would not accept a united Ireland and wished to have another election before their future was again discussed .
7 How can you be sure that any future development of these sites would not have a deleterious effect on the conservation area , the listed buildings , the archaeology and the natural history ?
8 They had been accepted for admission before the onset of dementia ( most sheltered housing associations would not accept a new tenant who was already showing evidence of dementia ) , but with increasing age in the sheltered housing population cases are likely to occur more frequently .
9 Superintendent Don Randall of the City police said the road blocks would not become a permanent feature on city streets .
10 Much of the anxiety among Members , particularly the opponents of televising , arose from fears that the broadcasters would not preserve a proper balance in their selection of matter to be covered and that they would , in their desire to present newsworthy stories , distort the public presentation of the House .
11 Saunders was sold because Rush would not generate a big fee .
12 You see , although I love her so deeply , I know that Rosamund would not make a good wife for a missionary . ’
13 The accounting policy note on associated undertakings goes on to state that the directors believe that equity accounting for associated undertakings would not give a true and fair view of the group 's income .
14 What she did not know was that Moran , with his good looks and military fame , had once been king of these barn dances and now that he had neither youth nor fame would not take a lesser place .
15 Then again the most beleaguered hostess would not swap a cantankerous granny on a Poundstretcher for a panicking mare trying to lie down in her stall at 30,000 feet .
16 It is suggested that the court would not order a new lease to contain a contractual option to renew , since the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 itself contains the code for enabling tenants to renew their leases .
17 Held , allowing the appeal , that in the exercise of its inherent jurisdiction the court would not order a medical practitioner to treat his patient in a manner contrary to his clinical judgment and professional duty ; that the proper approach , pending any final decision , was for the court to consider the options available to it in exercising its inherent powers and to make such order as best served the child 's true interests , and it would be wrong to apply the principles governing the grant of interlocutory injunctions in civil proceedings ; that , further , the judge 's order was defective in that it failed to specify the precise requirements imposed on the health authority and to take sufficient account of that authority 's distribution of resources in its patient care ; and that , accordingly , the order would be set aside ( post , pp. 516B–G , 517D–F , 518E–F , H — 519C , E–H , 520B–C , E–F ) .
18 The Keynesians would therefore expect a close relationship between the demand for money and the yield ( rate of interest ) on near-money substitutes , but the monetarist would not expect a significant relationship because of the belief that money is a substitute for all assets alike .
19 This young man … but Parr would not allow a final judgement yet .
20 When I last had the opportunity to question my right hon. Friend , he confirmed that under the Conservatives , miners and other earners in my constituency would not pay a higher rate of income tax .
21 She had intended to return to London that afternoon , but one more night would n't make a great deal of difference .
22 I want his mates to hear the gospel and besides that Billy would not want a sad funeral , so I think you should preach , Dad . ’
23 Yes , wearing plastic would not save a single animal 's life .
24 Aquino reiterated her assurances that the movement would not become a political party , and expressed her optimism that an accommodation could be reached between Kabisig and the LDP .
25 So far everything had gone our way , but it was hard to believe that the wily old campaigner would not have a few more tricks up his sleeve .
26 Sarah would not take a flying run , but with John and Nora running and holding her at each side , just catching the fringes of the grass , she had her stately share , too .
27 The Divisional Court in that case distinguished between the obtaining of evidence for use in a trial , ‘ direct ’ material , which constituted ‘ testimony ’ under that Act and which would be gathered in response to a Letter of Request , and the obtaining of ‘ indirect ’ material , which might lead to a line of enquiry pointing to actual evidence ; the English courts would not assist a foreign court to obtain such ‘ indirect ’ material .
28 Similarly , the leftist politician , Meir Pa'il does not foresee a return in the sense intended in UN Resolution 194 : ‘ Clearly , the mere establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip would not provide a concrete solution for the problem of the Palestine refugees in Lebanon and perhaps not even for those in the Gaza Strip …
29 It could not be said that a peace had been finally made because old habits in Alexandra would not die a final death and made her still reserved , a little wary .
30 Consumers were assured that the measure would not mean a significant increase in prices except for fuels .
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