Example sentences of "[noun] would [be] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The court would be unwilling or unable to determine what speed would be expected from a competent getaway driver .
2 The ordinary hyphen is used between words that are hyphenated wherever they appear in a line and when those words would be split by a line-ending at the hyphen-point : eg well-known , time-consuming , up-to-date .
3 In practice the administration hoped the need for action would be diminished as a result of the bold tone of the Doctrine .
4 The benefits of this action would be seen in the group 's 1993–4 figures , said Haskins .
5 Mr Irons said yesterday that the petition raising the action would be lodged with the Court of Session by the end of next week .
6 Furthermore , the scope for truly radical action would be undermined through the unconscious acceptance of an ideology which limits the range of alternatives that political leaders might conceive of , or sustain popular support for .
7 ‘ What Maradona said is the most stupid declaration of the Eighties by a football player , ’ said the Fifa spokesman Guido Tognoni , who added that no disciplinary action would be taken against the player .
8 The editor-in-chief of Izvestia , the most respected national daily newspaper , also said legal action would be taken against the Speaker , for seeking to impose restrictions on the newspaper and employing ‘ Bolshevik psychology ’ to gag the press .
9 Opposition leaders , however , expressed concern at the continuing military disruption of the transition period , and questioned whether effective action would be taken against the military .
10 Peter Lilley told the brewers that no action would be taken in the particular instance where a pub had not yet been freed because independent arbitration of rents was still taking place .
11 It was planned from the beginning that follow-up action would be taken by the participants wherever possible , so in the summer of 1980 Highlander hosted a workshop on land reform to which study participants and others from the region were invited .
12 Mr Ridley said the action would be pursued with the utmost vigour .
13 General guidelines would be given by the European Council ; the Council of Ministers would take such decisions unanimously but define matters where a qualified majority could be used .
14 Other councillors , however hoped the guidelines would be regarded as the norm .
15 He seated himself in a chair and Emily paused for a moment , she could hardly ask the maid to bring the girl into the drawing-room where Spencer would be listening to every word .
16 The hill peoples would be associated with the constitutional process .
17 My grey school skirt would be swapped for a rock-and-roll dirndl and six net petticoats , painstakingly dipped in sugar water to make them stiff when dry ; after the first four dances , the heat from my body would melt the sugar and my nylons would stick together .
18 The two parties were reported to have agreed in principle to create a customs union and a currency zone in which future separate currencies would be linked by a fixed exchange rate .
19 This brigade would be absorbed by the new force .
20 Word went out to the people of the surrounding area that a conventicle would be held on the muir early on the Sunday morning .
21 With the Tories certain to vote against such higher taxes , Labour would be defeated on the issue unless it gained power with an overall majority .
22 Either , therefore , Labour would govern with the support of the Liberals which would indeed make the Liberals the arbiters of government ; or Labour would be defeated in the House , and seek a dissolution which would be denied to them .
23 Labour would be acquiescing in a ‘ democratic outrage ’ if it continued arguing that , because the Conservatives had got away with being undemocratic for so long , it was now Labour 's turn .
24 The common external tariff would be based on an average of the existing duties levied by the member states at their national borders , though with some downward adjustment .
25 These calculators would be sold under the name of Noxid .
26 It was unclear what kind of coalition would be attempted by the CDU leader Erwin Teufel ( who took over from Lothar Späth in January 1991 following allegations of corruption in the allocation of business contracts — see p. 37966 ) .
27 On the basis of certain assumptions about the chemical heterogeneity of the mantle and a postulated marked increase in viscosity with depth , it has been argued that convection would be confined to the asthenosphere , that is to a maximum depth of about 300 km ( Fig. 2.1 7(A) ) .
28 First of all nursery schools would be dealing with the County Council on a different basis from the vast of , of the schools population and that will give rise to anomalies and complications which would be undesirous and secondly there might be problems particularly if they are considering expanding nursery provision between nursery schools and nursery classes in primary schools .
29 It was known that fees in secondary schools would shortly be abolished , that grammar-school education would be developed for about 20 per cent of the population , and assumed that secondary modern schools would be provided for the rest .
30 Unfortunately we do not have a detailed , turn-by-turn transcription of her interactions , but it is reasonable to assume that her linguistic accommodation was preceded by an assessment of how her interlocutor might be expected to talk ; in other words , that Sue 's assumption of a persona would be mediated through a stereotype of the linguistic behaviour of the group to which she felt her customer belonged .
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