Example sentences of "[noun] would [verb] in the same " in BNC.

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1 So would be the One Thousand and One Nights ; and a later times stories such as She by R. Haggard , and Lost Horizons by Hilton would come in the same category .
2 That is , the universe would develop in the same way as its mirror image if , in addition , every particle was swapped with its antiparticle !
3 At night the child would sleep in the same room as Rachaela , that was all .
4 Milk distribution would work in the same way in that as long as the milk is put into the system at one point , it does not matter where it is taken out . ’
5 Where the editor rattled her half dozen strings of large beads and remarked with a toothy grin : ‘ They say it 's the fashion — ’ Where Gerald , the art editor — who was reputed to have a fabulous house on the Chelsea Embankment full of priceless works of art — was so sensitive that he had to have a soundproof office specially built for him , while his assistant Jeremy padded along like his superior 's spaniel , and if Gerald wore a shirt of subtle pink on Monday , his minion would appear in the same shade on Tuesday .
6 The inner-city indicators were based largely on territorial assumptions , for example that people might have close relatives living in the same street or the next street , and that people would work in the same places as some of their close neighbours ( L. Milroy 1987 : 141–2 ) .
7 On a smaller scale , the electrical forces that cause the electrons to orbit round the nucleus in an atom would behave in the same way as gravitational forces .
8 " Having seen so many such unions started in the past , they knew that the new union would disappear in the same way as the others " , and good humouredly laughed Wilson 's overtures out of court .
9 The agency , said Heseltine , has become ‘ a pawn in the negotiations of the French ’ , although an alternative way forward had been proposed in which the agency would have a secretariat in Brussels and the leadership of the agency would rotate in the same way that the EC presidency does .
10 Notice that a similar interpretation would arise , and no loss of information would result , if monarch were replaced by a synonym or paraphrase such as sovereign , or crowned head ( and automobile would interact in the same way with the context if it were substituted for car in 16 and 17 ) .
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