Example sentences of "[noun] would [verb] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In half an hour a dozen or so cars would drive into the inner courtyard and the morning shift would take over .
2 Stalin adhered to the agreement because he wished to maintain satisfactory relations with the United States if possible and perhaps because he felt that sooner or later Korea would fall into the Soviet sphere in any case .
3 I thought the flysheet looked too short and I worried that rain would get into the inner .
4 Most innocuous sadism would fall into the first category ; sadistic murder would mark the extreme of the second .
5 In his judgement , the inspector pointed out that the development would extend into the wooded part of the site requiring the removal of some trees .
6 A pre-tax income measured on the horizontal axis would convert into the same amount of post-tax income measured on the vertical axis .
7 The same story would continue into the early Cambrian , where the contrasts between the north-west Scottish and the Anglo-Welsh successions are well known .
8 The same survey showed that the majority of meetings would fall into the 100–280 delegate bracket , and that provincial hotels would be the greatest beneficiaries .
9 To conclude : we have found that the industrial co-operative , in a market economy , is a fully effective form of organisation for production or provision in the United Kingdom as in other liberal democracies ; that there is no necessary reason to attach to it limitations of size or kind ; and that the general adoption of the form would import into the national economy such a structural change as is urgently needed to resolve the problem , ominous and intractable , of securing near-full employment without inflation at other than an insignificant rate .
10 It seemed likely that many isolated sections of the League of Youth would merge into the Young Communist League if the national organization were not restored .
11 One plan being talked of is to close all India 's universities for a year , during which students and graduates would move into the impoverished rural areas to teach villagers to read and write .
12 He would then enquire how much I 'd paid for the latest irreparable objects , and if it had been 20p or less he 'd say , with satisfaction , ‘ Well , at least it had a decent plug ’ , and the decent plug would go into the decent plug box .
13 If the planes are to avoid the danger of anti-aircraft fire or missiles , they have to fly so high that any drop would be liable to miss its target , with the danger that the supplies would fall into the wrong hands , or even injure those whom it is intended to help .
14 Since the European Parliament can never work as a real parliament , power would pass into the back rooms where intrigue and shabby voting deals are the modus operandi .
15 The party would continue into the wee small hours of oblivion , then pick up again on Saturday mornings when , after a breakfast of Anadin and hair-of-the-dog , they would return to the pub to begin again .
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