Example sentences of "[noun] as [prep] whether a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It depends upon the problem of each horse as to whether a Chambon or side-reins are used .
2 There was evidently some dilemma in Gould 's mind as to whether a work on the birds of Europe or just the birds of Britain would prove most lucrative .
3 This principle , he submitted , is further exemplified by the line of the Court of Justice authority which shows that the jurisdiction of the court may be invoked under this article where there is a dispute between the parties as to whether a contract in fact exists , but only if that dispute is real and genuine .
4 Preliminary reports gave no indication as to whether a bomb had caused the blast , which occurred as the train was travelling through Daghestan , an autonomous republic of the Russian Federation immediately to the north of Azerbaijan .
5 This appeal raises a single issue as to whether a landlord who has obtained an order for possession in the county court against the statutory tenant is entitled to resort to self-help and take possession of the premises himself without involving the bailiff in executing the order for possession .
6 He found no dissent from this view , although there was disagreement as to whether a State whose security was affected by the conclusion of a treaty between other States could likewise intervene .
7 It was interesting to note that the responses to the CRUS question as to whether a member of library staff was designated as training officer also indicated that title held is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training .
8 This approach seems to beg the question as to whether a suicide can ever be regarded as being in their right mind .
9 The question as to whether an unchaste priest might celebrate the mass became important .
10 It is perhaps for this reason that the Court of Appeal in Faccenda left open the question as to whether an employee could sell the information which was comprised in the skills acquired in the course of employment which he could not be prevented from using himself .
11 These validity studies compared clinical opinion as to whether a respondent showed signs of dementia with their score upon the scale .
12 The courts can express the same feeling by the creative choice as to whether a defect should be stamped jurisdictional or non-jurisdictional .
13 My Lords , we remain absolutely committed to parents being the key determinant as to whether a school should go grant maintained erm or whether it should not .
14 There is some doubt as to whether a health authority is primarily liable , i.e. that it owes a non-delegable duty to its patients .
15 Well I do n't like it very much but it has this very interesting discussion as to whether a fax was cheaper or more expensive than the telephone
16 It will depend on the particular circumstances of each case as to whether a solicitor who has suffered financial loss as a result of having to comply with an undertaking given in the course of his acting for a client can look to the latter for reimbursement .
17 Your decision as to whether a diagram is appropriate largely depends upon the purpose of the note and the quantity of information that is needed ( see below ) .
18 Thus , the decision as to whether a file takes up more space in serial or inverted form depends on the ratio of the size of the key and the data items .
19 The decision as to whether a family will be started and how large it will be rests with the Parents to a greater extent than at any time in history .
20 Durham 's Assistant Chief Constable Eddy Marchant said : ‘ The decision as to whether a family member is used is always up to negotiators trained to judge the mood of the individual .
21 Controversy really begins when there are varying views as to whether a house is worth saving .
22 Who has n't ever surreptitiously shredded a glossy green leaf , overcome by curiosity as to whether a plant is real or not ?
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