Example sentences of "[noun] will [not/n't] [be] the same " in BNC.

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1 A mini 10p piece will not be the same .
2 This place wo n't be the same with both you and Kathleen gone . ’
3 ‘ I would like to assure the Scottish people that the Danny Porter who lost to Clinton in 1989 for the British title will not be the same man who fights Clinton next month . ’
4 In short , the economic incidence of taxation will not be the same as the ‘ statutory ’ incidence .
5 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that unit costs and the availability of placements will not be the same for employers in different parts of the country ?
6 This will be important in the subsequent discussion , since when changes the change in the coefficient of variation will not be the same as the change in the variance .
7 In Eretz family life will not be the same as you have known here in Cork or anywhere in the Diaspora because in the settlements women are involved in communal work just as much as the men are .
8 We have some 20 copies of these promos for disposal , so if you feel life wo n't be the same without one , just jot down the title of Moz 's latest solo album on a postcard and wing it to : Maybe one of the first 20 correct entries to be drawn from the office Christmas sock will be yours !
9 relationships between agencies will in practice involve a number of different issues , and the symmetry that it is possible to draw in an abstract model will not be the same for each issue .
10 People from a wide range of social backgrounds go to watch football , but their interest and involvement will not be the same as the hooligan fans .
11 Fourth , we may point out that quite often the potential reference of the noun as modified by the adjective will not be the same in the predicate qualifying construction as it would be under the attributive version .
12 Film ‘ 93 with Barry Norman AND talking of ‘ why nots ’ … sadly Mondays wo n't be the same without Uncle Barry .
13 Alright , so , although there may be some switching possible , it 's , that 's , the degree of switching wo n't be the same for , for all er , for all commodities .
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