Example sentences of "[noun] will [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Too many words trying to describe a small detail or a momentary glance will only destroy the image .
2 Steve Cunningham will never rival the Faldos of this world .
3 But perhaps what is surprising is that the DoH will not research the concerns raised by senior child protection professionals .
4 I hope that the Leader of the Opposition will also have the courage to admit that .
5 The Shell Account Card will only make the purchases you authorise — eg. fuel only ; fuel and oil ; fuel , oil , servicing and shop sales ; named drivers only ; specific vehicle registration numbers only .
6 A lot of cichlids will not like the water movement created by the powerheads .
7 Walkers will also enjoy the Malvern Hills , the Wyre Forest and the Cotswold Way , all of which are within a 25-mile radius .
8 Even deliberate disruption will not stop the country hearing this .
9 In a well-known collection of essays , New Essays in Philosophical Theology , Antony Flew argues that believers will never answer the question : What event or series of events would provide sufficient evidence against the existence of God to stop you believing ?
10 Given the substantial experience that many schools have built up of alternative timetabling structures — through the provision of BTEC courses , for instance , or CPVE , or through modular and cyclical courses under TVEI — it is hard to believe that schools will not take the opportunity of reviewing present practice to reflect more closely what we know about effective learning .
11 The opt-out schools will just increase the gap between the places where people have money to spend on their kids ' education and those where they have n't .
12 Head teacher Marcus Thacker said he hoped the Roughwood Drive schoolwhich now tops the Knowsley table of arson-hit schools will finally get the £70,000 security fence it first requested four years ago .
13 Remedies will not hurt the baby .
14 Following these guidelines will considerably reduce the chance of you being attacked .
15 Diehard optimists , like Mr Pynzenyk , say that hyperinflation and economic collapse will eventually force the country to its senses .
16 Your readers will also expect the paper to investigate the causes of the epidemic
17 ( By the time this goes to press , readers will probably have the benefit of hindsight . )
18 Offers made on the editorial pages need to be particularly attractive or the readers will not take the trouble to send off their stamped addressed envelope .
19 Any increase in IRA violence will only give the process added urgency .
20 On present betting , there is a fair chance the pound will finally join the system by the end of next year .
21 Overseas runners drown by the lure of the pound will inevitably confuse the equation of who eventually comes out on top .
22 The articles of association will usually authorize the appointment of a managing director .
23 Any such translocations will depend on adequate population data to ensure that the removal of rhinos will not endanger the Ujung Kulon population , and also on good protection of the potential receiving sites .
24 Support in future will broadly maintain the present 50 per cent level of subsidy and will be mainly of fixed grants for exhibitors towards their space and stand construction costs .
25 The auction will also disperse the Erlenmeyer Collection of Western Asiatic cylinder seals and antiquities , the proceeds of which are to benefit environmental organizations .
26 Using pliers or one of the various gripping wrenches will not do the tool much good ( they 're usually meant for something else ) and will probably make a mess of the nut .
27 LABOUR will not sell the Government 's remaining stake in British Telecom and the privatised electricity generating companies , Mr John Smith , the shadow Chancellor , said last night .
28 Since the constrained demand for goods ( by households rationed in the labour market ) will exacerbate the ration of firms in the goods market , and since the constrained demand for labour will further ration the household in the labour market , it is natural to ask whether the behaviour of both sets of agents can be mutually consistent .
29 Clients will also have the right to request that information they consider to be inaccurate is corrected .
30 Clients will never love the UK OTC market , or at best will only love an isolated stock or two , like Hard Rock Cafe , which achieved a proper stock market listing in the UK and in the United States , and which was taken over by Pleasurama in July 1988 .
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