Example sentences of "[noun] will [verb] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where possible , cut out the ends of the rotted area so that the new piece will fit at an open angle , making it much easier to fit than right-angled joints .
2 CTB will be published in 1993 , and if its quality matches that of his earlier work , few readers will complain at a relative lack of writers with fewer outside commitments .
3 The three candidates Mr Fowler , Mrs Fletcher and Frank Cook , who defends the seat for Labour will speak at an open forum arranged by the Christian Election Forum in Norton parish church , at 8pm on Sunday .
4 And as they get ready for the Big One , the title decider , the lads will clutch at every available straw .
5 This chapter will look at the following examples :
6 This chapter will look at the different explanations that have been put forward for girls ' 'failure' in education , and at some of the research that has been done in this area .
7 For instance , flying visually at the normal cruite ; you set cruise power , hold your attitude for level flight and the aircraft will fly at the normal cruise .
8 In its report , Future Forest Resources of Western and Eastern Europe , the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis warns that the losses will continue at the same rate over the next 100 years unless urgent steps are taken to reverse them .
9 Council will decide at a later date whether to make public the number of votes cast .
10 Management will move at the same pace , absorbing as proactively as possible those contributions to continued improvement which , regardless of their source , focus on quality assurance .
11 The boy will appear at a special sitting of Chesterfield youth court .
12 Three nominated judges will officiate at the two Grands Prix , which lead to the Kur or Special tours .
13 Service charges for industry , such as telephone will increase at a greater rate than the private consumer .
14 This examination will test at a higher level the linguistic skills and business knowledge tested at the Second Level .
15 Participants will look at the major trends in communication today , with special emphasis on the issue of the right to communicate and the relationship between evangelisation and culture .
16 This war will start at an appointed time , like a ball game .
17 A good product will sell at the tight price … and this is
18 Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will look at the Official Report tomorrow and tell me where I said that information should be hidden from parents .
19 If a computer program has been obtained for use in a commercial environment , whether it be a word processing package , accounts system or spreadsheet , the chances are that the original will fail at the worst possible moment .
20 More than 120 members , serving or retired policemen , customs officers and prison officers , from all over the UK , Germany , Switzerland , France and Luxembourg will stay at the Welsh town 's youth hostel from July 16 to 18 .
21 Microsoft Corp says its NT-based version of SQL Server will ship in the third quarter with full multi-processor support ; SNA server gateway will arrive at the same time , while products from its Hermes network management technology effort , will appear in the fourth quarter .
22 Because the period is not a whole number of years , the next standstill will occur at a different season than its predecessor .
23 Annually thereafter , the exercise price will rise at a compounded rate of about 4% a year .
24 In this case , however , the economy will operate at a lower level of income and expenditure .
25 If no start name is specified , the listing will start with the first alphanumerical module in LIFESPAN ; if no end module name is specified , the listing will end at the last alphanumerical module in LIFESPAN .
26 If these fields are left blank , the listing will start/end at the highest/lowest SSR identifiers known to LIFESPAN .
27 Judging from remarks between Mr Carnwath , Mr Steele ( QC for Dyfed County Council ) and Mr Burrell , the prevailing view is that the inspector will find against McAlpine , but that the company will seek a Judicial Review in the High Court , where the arguments will recommence at a rarefied legal level .
28 Still more horrors — if rugby under the new law is difficult to play and to control on a dry day in South Africa , imagine the effect in marshy old England in the mud and rain of January ; imagine the shambles the game will become at the lower levels in those conditions with the sanctuary of the next scrum no longer available to the team carrying the ball .
29 I hope that people will look at the real record of improvement in the NHS , not the misrepresentations that they get from the Labour party .
30 This makes it easier for more particles to tunnel out , and so the emission will continue at an ever-increasing rate until eventually the black hole radiates itself out of existence .
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