Example sentences of "[noun] which have the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some success is now claimed for the ‘ magnetic ’ water treatment units which have the same effect on suspended matter .
2 Likewise it is only a few exceptional relationships which have the short-term characteristic of a money purchase in the market .
3 The lexicon contains 4000 words which have the highest frequency of occurrence according to the American Heritage Word Frequency Book ( Carroll , Davies & Richman , 1971 ) .
4 Make lists of words which have the same stress pattern , keeping the lists as consistent as possible with regards to CV pattern and segmental length .
5 The two numbers should not be compared because the first refers to words which have the same word boundaries , and the second refers to words in the same region .
6 Homographs , or words which have the same spelling but very diverse meanings , must be identified .
7 The result of the previous given check list was , for example , as follows : Put the words which have the same sound into established lists .
8 Each day , throughout the day , although not always aware of it , people are engaged in carrying out numerous activities which have the specific purpose of maintaining a safe environment .
9 A company which sells trees and shrubs has been told to tear down its newest greenhouse after a planning blunder.The firm specialises in improving the environment , and has fallen victim to planning rules which have the same aim .
10 Mr Achieng Oneko might well have added , using the same argument , that the capitalist private press is unlikely to serve other minorities and tends to favour socio-economic groups which have the highest spending power and therefore attract the most advertising .
11 The effect of the mutations on binding of CytR parallels the effect of the mutations in vivo , i.e. the -72 and -73 mutations which have the largest effect on regulation and titration in vivo also exhibit the largest effect on binding of CytR in vitro .
12 The distribution of the whetstones which have the same petrology as the Group VI axes is not merely a reflection of the distribution of cemeteries as the type is absent in southern England .
13 Multilateral treaties are the constitutive instruments of international organisations which have the separate personality necessary to allow effective and independent functioning on the international plane .
14 Within the 4 quadrants , there are 2 angles which have the same cosine , 2 with the same sine and 2 with the same tangent .
15 In applying this average increase of 23% the insurers have structured it so that the increase will mainly apply to those categories of policyholders which have the greatest incidence of claims .
16 Substances which have the same type of chemical formula and which crystallise with the same crystal lattice are said to be isomorphous .
17 The Council is promoting the concept of local co-ordinated sports development plans involving all of the agencies which have the prime responsibility for developing sport and increasing participation in sport locally .
18 You will at least be able to group together those substitution items which have the same tone patterns , and that will give you material to practise .
19 The double-voicedness of the novels examined in this chapter is thus itself double : not only are they illustrations of how the voice of an individual interacts with the anonymous collective voice of a discursive system , they also stage the confrontation between the language of fiction and that of the human sciences which have the same object but different methods .
20 While the EC competition rules prohibit inter-company co-operation which stifles competition and innovation , recognition is given to the advantages which result from co-operation and joint ventures which have the overall effect of increasing competition in the Community and benefiting consumers .
21 In principle , we believe that independent employer-led arrangements which have the full support of employers offer the best way forward for industrial training .
22 One facility used for making helicopter blades is now finding new use for producing jointless Wings which have the added benefit of being cheap to import because of the weak state of the Rand .
23 But although this strategy may work for a few years , there are few parishes which have the physical space for more than two or three new congregations .
24 Another strategy involves the creation of country parks which have the main function of recreation .
25 Apart from metropolitan France there are four overseas departments ( French Guiana , Guadeloupe , Martinique and Réunion ) , two overseas collectivités territoriales ( Mayotte , and St Pierre and Miquelon ) with a status between that of an overseas department and an overseas territory , and four overseas territories which have the least degree of autonomy ( French Polynesia , the French Southern and Antarctic Territories , New Caledonia and the Wallis and Futuna Islands ) .
26 As a quick reference guide to give you an indication of how many glasses of a lower alcohol product you can drink for every glass of a standard alcohol product below is a table which shows drinks which have the same alcohol content .
27 It appears that highly productive authors will not necessarily publish in those journals which have the highest circulation , and which hence are presumed to be those used for those papers which an author wishes to reach the largest possible readership .
28 The word ‘ involuntary ’ is therefore used merely to distinguish these killings from ones which have the necessary intent for murder but which are reduced to manslaughter by one of the doctrines just considered , such as provocation or diminished responsibility .
29 Shaving the pubic hair is an alternative ‘ physical ’ approach , but nowadays there are several preparations on the market which have the desired effect rather more easily .
30 But it has to be formulated more precisely if it is not to be confused with other crimes which have the dubious distinction of sharing these aphorismic characteristics .
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